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Tag Blut Aus Nord

Lorn – With Claws Arrayed (I, Voidhanger)

It’s been more than three years since Lorn made its mark with Subconscious Metamorphosis – appropriately enough its first outing on that most fitting of labels for avant-garde black metal I, Voidhanger. The band had hinted during its previous full-length,… Continue Reading →

The Ominous Circle – Appalling Ascension (Osmose)

“A burning black sphere of sinuous torment” is the offer from Portugal’s The Ominous Circle. You may gather, correctly, that dark ambience is at the centre of this work. Chasmic voids and echoing deathly growls dominate “Heart Girt with a… Continue Reading →

Fides Inversa – Rite of Inverse Incarnation (World Terror Committee)

Fides Inversa threw a few people with the change of pace between their first and second albums even though both were finely distilled black metal class. The debut was an unhinged white knuckle ride that felt like an unholy marriage… Continue Reading →

Liber Null – I, The Serpent (Osmose)

Thorns (drums) who seems to head up this band has his fingers in multiple bands with Blut Aus Nord being the most recognised. Ably assisted by Ades (guitar and bass ) and Psaalm on vocals this debut release is packed… Continue Reading →

Mithridatic – Miserable Miracle (Kaotoxin)

I think the word that I may resort to here is ‘chaotic’. Yeah. The debut by French band Mithridatic definitely comes under that. Not that it’s a bad thing, not at all, but it sure makes the reviewers’ lives a… Continue Reading →

ONO – Reconstruction and Synthesis (The House Of What You See)

The only Slovakian music I knew about until now was by Abbey ov Thelema, and that’s extreme. If this monster from ONO, the band of a gentleman who operates under the name of Twisted, is anything to go by, this… Continue Reading →

Abisso – WRNSS (Third I Rex)

Bold claims and bold associations on behalf of this Sardinian duo courtesy of their label – happily namechecking such luminaries as Deathspell Omega and Lurker of Chalice immediately places expectations on overdrive for an assault of dissonant, atmospheric black metal… Continue Reading →

Blut Aus Nord / Ævangelist – Codex Obscura Nomina (Debemur Morti)

Evanescent Hallucinations, apart from being a great title for a black metal track, also happens to be, in part at least, a pretty good descriptor of Blut Aus Nord’s contribution to this mouth watering split EP. In some ways this… Continue Reading →

Terra Tenebrosa – The Reverses (Debemur Morti)

Terra Tenebrosa first came to my attention when a friend recommended their album “The Tunnels” (2013), which I bought. What I heard then from this Swedish band was dark and grim and representative of hopelessness. A word I read recently… Continue Reading →

Throane – Derrière-Nous, La Lumière (Debemur Morti)

Anyone who picked up Ovtrenoir’s debut EP earlier this year may already have encountered the depths of intensity plumbed by DehnSora. His latest project to emerge, Throane, is even more crushing in many respects and much, much darker. A sonic… Continue Reading →

Ggu:ll – Dwaling (Ván Records)

Ambient doom brings with it a fuzzy feeling, occasioned by the misty atmosphere which in the old days would have meant interference on your television or transistor radio. Ggu:ll from Tilburg in the Netherlands join the less than happy campers… Continue Reading →

Skáphe – Skáphe² (I Voidhanger)

Neill Jameson isn’t the only member of Krieg causing musical chaos in a host of other acts such as Royal Arch Blaspheme, Lithotome etc. His partner in crime Alex Poole is also busy with and relatively new project Skáphe as… Continue Reading →

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