Number 16 in the 88 Films “Slasher Classics Collection” and you can tell that I’m not the biggest fan of the sub-genre as it’s only the 4th I have picked up. The other 3 are all former video nasties and… Continue Reading →
The second ‘American Horror Project’ film I have viewed from Arrow’s box set is a real obscurity Christopher Speeth’s only horror film ‘Malatesta’s Carnival of Blood’ from 1973. This one disappeared for almost 30 years after freaking out the unsuspecting… Continue Reading →
Dredging up more shipwrecked treasure Arrow have embarked upon a great new idea introducing us to some rare and forgotten gems of yesteryear under the ‘American Horror Project’ moniker. This film has been released as part 1 in a box… Continue Reading →
Another intriguing title full of mystery in itself, Five Dolls For An August Moon is not as well-known as a lot of other works from Mario Bava’s oeuvre. The 1970 feature never even got a look in on home video… Continue Reading →
I know it seems like Arrow central over here but they do send us review stuff in of the films that I love. They are not alone in releasing the classics of old and getting former video nasties through the… Continue Reading →
It certainly wasn’t in the hope of getting a suntan but during the groovy early 70’s quite a few Italian giallo directors decided to pop over to London and use it as the backdrop to their murder mystery stories. Examples… Continue Reading →
Does anyone remember Moviedrome which was on BBC2 in the late 80’s early 90’s? It was hosted by Alex Cox who told us about what we were about to watch before the film was screened in the best possible form… Continue Reading →
Your what is a what? As the Italians got more and more into their Giallo films the titles got ever the more inventive, almost a mystery in themselves and this one is no exception. Many of them were made all… Continue Reading →
Remember the time of the double bill at the cinema? Well Arrow no doubt do and have released this in a two film package along with Sergio Martino’s Your Vice Is a Locked Room and Only I Have the Key… Continue Reading →
Firstly just to clear up any confusion, there were two films doing the rounds on ye olde video shelves during that fondly remembered golden age, both called Eaten Alive and both starring Mel Ferrer. This is not the 1980 Umberto… Continue Reading →
Regular readers to these film reviews maybe shocked to know that this writer does NOT do Romcoms or Musicals! Of course there is always the odd exception to the rule and if for instance one is made that throws say… Continue Reading →
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