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Tag Blasphemy

Satanic Warmaster/Archgoat – Split (Hells Headbangers)

It seems there’s been quite a bit of controversy around Satanic Warmaster lately – something to do with a gig in Scotland. Now they’re not a band I’d ever really investigated. From distant memory (mainly Supernal mail order catalogues) their… Continue Reading →

Zom – Flesh Assimilation (Invictus)

It’s about time we got a full length album from Irish black, doom, crust scumbags Zom. For those that have caught them live they really do deliver the goods and leave their mark on you and having seen them twice… Continue Reading →

Sinistrous Diabolus / Vassafor Split (Iron Bonehead)

Here are two tales of New Zealand’s darkest side in the form of a split album. First we have two tracks by Vassafor, starting with “Ossuary in Darkness”. It’s played in the spirit of black metal and makes such anarchic… Continue Reading →

Hellgoat – End Of Man (Boris Records)

A couple of 7” records from the ever interesting Boris Records winged their way to us recently. The first of these delivers some good old goat worship just the way we like it courtesy of USBM outfit Hellgoat. The band… Continue Reading →

Diocletian – Gesundrian (Osmose)

As a kid, I was pretty pleased to have my birthday on St George’s Day. The slayer of dragons is a pretty cool guy to share a day with when you are eight years old. Of course, I have since… Continue Reading →

Hades Archer / Slaughtbbath – Circus of Abominations / Antichristos Thanatos (Iron Bonehead)

A split from two acts from Chile shows what is involved when playing truly vitriolic black metal that involves no pissing about with keyboards or silly arrangements, just a straight forward malevolent annihilation that begins with Hades Archer’s blackened thrash… Continue Reading →

Sickrites – Irreverent Death Megaliths (Osmose)

After several decent stabs at creating their own brand of dimension-bending, death metal groove on various EPs and splits, Sickrites have finally released their first full length. Evidently, it was somewhat overdue. Irreverent Death Megaliths is bursting with the kind… Continue Reading →

Profanatica – Thy Kingdom Cum (Hell’s Headbangers)

Yes it is time for more songs against praise from that diabolic duo Paul Ledney and John Gelso. Innovators within the USBM scene the group’s overtly blasphemous output is equally revered and reviled and if you have encountered it before… Continue Reading →

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