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Tag Black Witchery

Grave Desecrator – Immundissime Spiritus (Various Labels)

Grab yer pick and shovel it’s time to dig deep here and see what we dredge up. Coming from Brazil the ammonia like scent of adipocere is strong and we need not cast any inspiration to nefarious tomb raider Ed… Continue Reading →

Hellfire Deathcult – Al Nombre De La Muerte (Helter Skelter / Regain)

Lingering around the review list and casting a filthy miasma this US based power trio were crying out ‘In The Name Of Death’ for some coverage. Noting that they are described as playing a form of ‘blackgrind’ ala war metal… Continue Reading →

Revenge – Strike.Smother.Dehumanize (Season Of Mist)

I have been left indifferent to this Canadian war metallers discography previously, their unique brand of cacophonic assaults often came across as repetitive and lacking ingenuity but all that changed when I saw the band for the first time at… Continue Reading →

Concrete Winds – Primitive Force (Sepulchral Voice)

There is no denying that Vorum created a foul stench in their brief and vile career but the band have it appears crash and burned. The couple of times I saw them and of course their album Poisoned Void 2103… Continue Reading →

Interview – Saqra’s Cult

2019 certainly got off to a fiery start courtesy of The 9th King, second album from Belgian band Saqra’s Cult. Although fairly new on the scene with debut demo ‘Initiation To Forgotten Rites’ being unleashed in 2015 the quartet have… Continue Reading →

Satanize – Apocalyptic Impious Command (Deviant Records)

30 minutes of bestial barbarity here from Portughell. Helmed by Reverend of the Hell Legions and Macabre Tyranny on bass and guitar and Reverend of Diabolical Services and Sinister Sorcery drums and vokills, you pretty much know what you are… Continue Reading →

Abysmal Lord – Disciples Of The Inferno (Hells Headbangers)

Back in the day, as in the 1980s, when extreme metal was placing its boots firmly into the metal scene bands like Abysmal Lord would have been snapped up by yours truly as something violent and oozing a blackened septic… Continue Reading →

Revenge – Behold.Total.Rejection (Season Of Mist)

As far as the other 19 bands listed on Metal Archives going by the name Revenge are concerned they may as well just do one and fuck off. Yes harsh words but we are dealing with a band here who… Continue Reading →

Mefitic – Woes Of Mortal Devotion (Nuclear War Now)

These foul and noxious Italians formed with the principal intent to spread the horrid feelings connected to Death. It may have taken them a decade to hone their craft and release this their debut album following numerous demos, EP’s and… Continue Reading →

Perdition Temple – The Tempter’s Victorious (Hell’s Headbangers)

It’s probably best to start off by stating that Angelcorpse are pretty much my favourite band of all time. When they disbanded (again) in 2009 and news came of guitarist Gene Palubicki releasing material intended for the fifth Angelcorpse CD… Continue Reading →

Zom – Flesh Assimilation (Invictus)

It’s about time we got a full length album from Irish black, doom, crust scumbags Zom. For those that have caught them live they really do deliver the goods and leave their mark on you and having seen them twice… Continue Reading →

Hades Archer / Slaughtbbath – Circus of Abominations / Antichristos Thanatos (Iron Bonehead)

A split from two acts from Chile shows what is involved when playing truly vitriolic black metal that involves no pissing about with keyboards or silly arrangements, just a straight forward malevolent annihilation that begins with Hades Archer’s blackened thrash… Continue Reading →

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