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Tag Black Thrash

Perversor – Umbravorous (Pulverised)

Either you understand what trve Metal is or not. At least that is what I have come to understand over the years, explaining to people the difference between false and trve can often be painstaking. However at the same time… Continue Reading →

Lucifera – La Caceria De Brujas (Dunkelheit Produktionen)

Thrash Metal is pretty much the key to all things Metal as far as I can see it. That isn’t to say that anything prior meant nothing but what I mean is that Thrash really opened the door. We may… Continue Reading →

Void – Jettatura (Ladlo Productions)

If you are gonna thrash do it blackly said someone very sensibly once, or perhaps it was just me. That’s the way I like it though baby and a good dose of black n’ roll always hits the mark and… Continue Reading →

Bonehunter – Children of the Atom (Hells Headbangers)

This is this Finnish troop’s third release, admittedly I’d completely missed their second encounter, but based on their debut, I wanted to hit this one. It does exactly as I thought it would… Many reviews of their earlier material compared… Continue Reading →

Invocation Spells – Spread Cruelty In The Abyss (Hells Headbangers)

Naturally Metal is an ever evolving genre, but back in the early days Metal saw a huge array of progressive steps from the early days of Sabbath to the NWOBHM and beyond the genre was constantly growing and expanding. However… Continue Reading →

Nocturnal Breed – The Whiskey Tapes Germany (Folter Records)

This here is one of those releases that the band describe as ‘for the fans’, the die hard fans describe as ‘rare and unreleased’ and the rest of us describe as an ‘odds n sods’ collection. As such it’s pretty… Continue Reading →

Nocturnal Graves – Titan (Season Of Mist)

Despite (or because of) the presence of a couple of past/present writing and playing members of Destroyer 666 I came into this album with zero preconceptions beyond the fact that it would be hard as nails and without compromise. As… Continue Reading →

Aura Noir – Aura Noire (Indie)

With a six year gap between albums one may have thought that Aura Noir had been (Hung) Out To Die but the trio are back like a waft of rotten air and that’s something I am more than happy about…. Continue Reading →

Vomitor – Pestilent Death (Hell’s Headbangers)

Ah, Vomitor, Aussies with all the natural subtlety and reserve of their countrymen removed. And of course we wouldn’t have it any other way. Pestilent Death is their fourth full length but it’s been around six years since The Escalation,… Continue Reading →

Whipstriker – Merciless Artillery (Hells Headbangers)

I love it when promo blurb describes an album as “highly anticipated”. Usually I’ve never even heard of the band and any amount of anticipation is probably only felt by the bands mums….. maybe. Not so with these Brazilian Venom… Continue Reading →

Warfist / Excidium – Laws Of Perversion And Filth (Godz Ov War Productions)

I was lucky enough to get hold of the album “Metal To The Bone” by Polish leather & stud enthusiasts Warfist last year and it couldn’t have had a more appropriate title so when the opportunity arose to write about… Continue Reading →

Crucifyre – Post Vulcanic Black (Pulverised Records)

The Stockholm old-schoolers return with this, their third album, following from their last release, “Black Magic Fire” back in 2014. I have “Black Magic Fire” in my own personal collection, and while I remember enjoying it, I wasn’t completely blown… Continue Reading →

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