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Tag Black Sabbath

Ogre – Dawn of the Proto-Man and Seven Hells (reissues) – (Minotauro)

There is an old saying that you should never judge a book by its cover (unless said book is the UKIP manifesto in which case feel free to consider it a pile of shite). Equally pertinent is the saying that… Continue Reading →

Stubb – Cry of the Ocean (Ripple Music)

Stubb are a relatively recent musical discovery for me, having been pointed in the London based power trio’s direction by one of the other reviewers here. The three piece take the tried and tested power trio formula and keeping in… Continue Reading →

Apostle of Solitude – Of Woe and Wounds (Cruz Del Sur)

Not too long ago a certain cow tongued wig wearing dinosaur very publicly lambasted the internet and heralded it as the death of rock and roll. I’d like to reply to his contention; fuck off you stack heeled twat! Yes,… Continue Reading →

Dawnbringer – Night of the Hammer (Profound Lore)

Chris Black may be famous of late for his High Spirits band, but this is his original band that has been going since 1995 and listening to ‘Nobody There’, it’s clear it’s Black’s vocals, albeit a slower tempo than the… Continue Reading →

Zothique – The Shadow Of Linxia (SR)

It really surprises me some of the far flung and obscure bands that find their way to us. This CD came unannounced all the way from Japan with a very polite message asking for review consideration along with biography and… Continue Reading →

Alunah – Awakening the Forest (Napalm)

Coming from Birmingham (that’s England, not Alabama), for many the spiritual birthplace of heavy metal as the city that spawned Black Sabbath, Alunah are a band that has a long and dark musical heritage to live up to.  Now, whilst… Continue Reading →

Temple Of Void – Of Terror And Supernatural (Rain Without End)

Hailing from Detroit, death metal doomster’s Temple of Void bring a despair filled heavy offering full of atmosphere and intensity to the altar for their debut. Made up of members from Acid Witch and Hellmouth, this 51 minute long slice… Continue Reading →

Byzanthian Neckbeard – From The Clutches Of Oblivion (S/R)

There isn’t much to do whilst living on an island in the middle of the English Channel (Guernsey) and luckily for our listening pleasure, Byzanthian Neckbeard have used this lack of activities to hole up in an abandoned bunker from… Continue Reading →

Hang the Bastard – Sex in the Seventh Circle (Century Media)

Harrow- Middlesex. Home of a posh school where many of the country’s elite have been churned out to pollute or improve our society for centuries. It is also the home of the delightfully monickered Hang the Bastard. These West London… Continue Reading →

Craang – To The Estimated Size Of The Universe (Pink Tank)

There’s an old adage that you should never judge a book by its cover.  Well, “never” is too strong a condition as far as I’m concerned.  If the cover of the book has words like “Jeffrey Archer” or “Dan Brown”… Continue Reading →

The Sabbathian – Ritual Rites (Svart)

If ever a name could conjure up a mental image, calling your band The Sabbathian and the debut EP ‘Ritual Rites’ does just that, creating an anticipation of dark tones, Black Sabbath guitar work, and lyrics of druidic mysticism; on… Continue Reading →

Grifter – Return of the Bearded Brethren (Code 7 / Ripple Music)

The sun is beaming down on my shiny dome and I am wishing I was cruising to the beach instead of on my lunch break. This is not helped by Grifter who provide the perfect soundtrack to a late summer… Continue Reading →

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