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Tag Black Sabbath

Tombstones – Vargariis (Soulseller)

It’s been over two years since I last reviewed Tombstones for Ave Noctum, their mighty third album, ‘Red Skies and Dead Eyes’ scoring highly as it blasted out a wall of heavy traditional doom without compromise. So, has the intervening… Continue Reading →

Danzig – Skeletons (Evillive)

I am increasingly of the opinion that if you look up Glen Danzig in some dictionary it will say ‘singer, cat lover, alleged collector of bricks, marmite’. Yeah there is a definite love or hate about him sadly. Heck even… Continue Reading →

Magic Circle – Journey Blind (20 Buck Spin)

Seeking high adventure on the internet last year I stepped into the aimless void that is the world wide web with an unusual clarity of purpose. Long had it been since my soul had been stirred… No, this is not… Continue Reading →

Chron Goblin – Backwater (Ripple)

Calgary’s Chron Goblin are new to me. Straight up, I’m pretty impressed. Their third album, “Backwater” has got me very interested. The current crop of good old fashioned, riff-fuelled groove rockers is strong. There’s plenty in the music press highlighting… Continue Reading →

PIST – Rhythm & Booze (When Planets Collide)

Formed in 2013 with one aim – to bring the worship of the riff to the masses, the Manchester based four piece PIST have been working overtime. Touring extensively in support of the fantastic “Riffology” EP and being rewarded for… Continue Reading →

The Hyle – S/T (Dawnbreed Records)

Hailing from Denmark, I did assume The Hyle would be named after some legendary beast of Nordic lore; some dark demon that fought the hordes of Asgard. A few online checks and bemused expressions by me later, and I learned… Continue Reading →

Seamount – Nitro Jesus (The Church Within)

If you are new to this here name then a) welcome, come on in and b) fair warning that Seamount are not here to shake their dicks for you. Understood? Good. So what are they here to do? Really? Well… Continue Reading →

Arrakis – Ammu Dia (Self-Released)

Instrumental metal isn’t necessarily everyone’s cup of tea but it’s most certainly a genre that lends itself to emotional abandonment. And with post-metal burgeoning, it seems everyone’s at it these days. Another for the melting pot, Greek three-piece Arrakis formed… Continue Reading →

Magister Templi – Into Duat (Cruz Del Sur)

Cruz Del Sur Music is certainly boosting their reputation as a label to keep an eye on, and fast on the heels of recent release by intercontinental doomsters King Heavy (see Ave Noctum passim), comes Oslo’s own Magister Templi with… Continue Reading →

Witchsorrow – No Light, Only Fire (Candlelight)

Hampshire doomsters, Witchsorrow have delivered their best work yet with enough weight to drag you through the Earth’s crust. Prepare yourself. The band’s third opus finds them in fine form. “No Light, Only Fire” displays a progression and maturity that… Continue Reading →

Northwinds – Eternal Winter (Black Widow)

Parisian doom devotees Northwinds proudly present this, their fifth full length studio album, complete with its typically beautiful album cover by Stefano Sugni. To briefly and dismissively label this band simply as `Doom’ however, does them a great injustice in… Continue Reading →

Limb – Terminal (New Heavy Sounds)

If you were to play Limb’s sophomore record ‘Terminal’ straight after 2014’s self-titled debut, without knowing who they were, you’d probably assume you were listening to two completely different bands. This isn’t the case, however, it’s just the London four… Continue Reading →

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