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Tag black n roll

Dodsferd- The Parasitic Survival of The Human Race (Moribund)

It’s been a good five years since I’ve bought a Dodsferd album, and last I checked they were producing quality depressive black n’roll with some great riffs and raw, Burzumesque vocals to match, marred only occasionally by the odd foray… Continue Reading →

King Fear – Frostbite (Quality Steel Records)

King Fear is a relatively new project formed by Nachtgarm (of Negator, and recently filling in for Dark Funeral on vocals). Before this, their debut full length album, they had released only a single EP in 2012. Although there is… Continue Reading →

Satyricon – ST (Roadrunner)

They don’t rush things do they? With five years having passed since the release of Age Of Nero one could almost have forgotten about Satyricon if their stature in the pantheon of Norwegian black metal had not been so important…. Continue Reading →

Zud – the Good the Bad and the Damned (SR)

“A zud or dzud (Mongolian: зуд) is a Mongolian term for an extremely snowy winter in which livestock are unable to find fodder through the snow cover, and large numbers of animals die due to starvation and the cold. The… Continue Reading →

Pest – The Crowning Horror (Agonia)

Pest. Such a good name for a black metal band they used it (at least) twice. This is the long running Swedish band, now on their fourth full length but regretfully my first proper acquaintance with them. After the obligatory… Continue Reading →

Heretic – Angelcunts And Devilcocks (Soulseller)

To be philosophical for a moment (hard with that album title hanging above): The notion of ‘black n roll’ is either just the logical extension of heavy metal’s occult obsession within the rock framework, or actually pretty much the antithesis… Continue Reading →

Darkthrone – Plaguewielder (Peaceville)

Nestling between ‘Ravishing Grimness and ‘Hate Them’ Darkthrone originally released their eighth studio album ‘Plaguewielder back in 2001 on Moonfog Productions. It is the latest reissue from Peaceville and comes with new artwork and a bonus disc of ‘director’s commentary… Continue Reading →

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