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Tag Behexen

Sargeist – Feeding The Crawling Shadows (WTC)

There are some albums you dread getting to review because the previous album by the band was that rarity ‘a classic’, one just so good, so affecting, that after however many years it still gives you chills listening to it…. Continue Reading →

Bitter Peace – Opus II (Moribund)

I first found myself infected by Bitter Peace on a four band split called ‘New World Black Metal’ highlighting some of the nastiest scourges of the USBM scene. Their coruscating and hateful take on the style had a notable industrialised… Continue Reading →

Cultes Des Ghoules – Henbane (Hell’s Headbangers)

With a lively crash of thunder this Polish Culte flings open the crypt doors once again, makes a racket for an hour and creeps back home just as the sun begins to rise. This is dramatic horror fuelled black metal… Continue Reading →

Horna – Askel Lähempänä Saatanaa (World Terror Committee)

Everyone’s favourite filthy Finns are back with a new album, the title of which means ‘A Step Closer To Satan.’ So business as usual then! Yep pretty much and as the band formed in 1993 they are actually hitting their… Continue Reading →

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