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Tag Bad Omen Records

Poltergeist – Nachtmusik (Bad Omen Records)

Calgary Alberta. The home of the famous (infamous) Stampede and land of cowboys north of the border. It is also the home of Poltergeist – self proclaimed Death rockers extraordinaire. Frontman Kalen Baker was in trad metal band Whyte Diamond… Continue Reading →

Wytch Hazel – IV: Sacrament (Bad Omen Records)

Lancashire’s Traditional Hard Rock / Metal heroes return with this, their 4th album. I’ve now reviewed each of their releases, and I’ve been a huge fan of their knack of writing classic, timeless tunes that have a way of worming… Continue Reading →

Birth – Born (Bad Omen Records)

Renowned for their top drawer Doom roster, UK label Rise Above were also known to throw in the odd curve-ball every now and again just in case anyone thought they could predict them. One of those aforementioned oddities was American… Continue Reading →

Wytch Hazel – III: Pentecost (Bad Omen Records)

You’ve got to hand it to Wytch Hazel, they’re pretty bloody prolific. This is this their third full length album since 2016, and therefore you might be wondering if the retro-rock/metal UK outfit might be exhausting their well of ideas…. Continue Reading →

Spell – Opulent Decay (Bad Omen Records)

Spell are an interesting 3 piece band from Canada on their third album. Purveyors of retro flavoured hard rock/metal and with two members of the band (the bassist and the drummer) sharing vocal duties. Aha! Just like fellow Canadians Triumph… Continue Reading →

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