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Tag avant-garde

As Light Dies – The Love Album Volume 1 (Maa Productions)

The title gives the game away. This album is a work of “progressive, dark, avant-garde metal “based in all the horror, pain and grief which involves all love stories”. This is reinforced by a contrived conversation between a man and… Continue Reading →

Manes – Be All End All (Debemur Morti)

Manes undoubtedly come from the Norwegian planet, inhabited by Atrox, Green Carnation, Audrey Horne and others, where life is seen from an odd and oblique angle. My only previous exposure to this band, who have now released four albums and… Continue Reading →

Diskord – Oscillations (Hellthrasher)

As was so often repeated on the classic comedy series `Monty Python’s Flying Circus’, and now for something completely different… Diskord are certainly a unique prospect; for a start, a Norwegian extreme metal band that doesn’t play Black Metal (they… Continue Reading →

Oberon – Dream Awakening (Prophecy)

It’s a bit of a cop out on my part maybe, but the description that accompanies this eleven track journey captures the experience. “Dream Awakening” is presented as a “diverse and imaginative music landscape with contrasting emotions musical symbolism, blending… Continue Reading →

Nevaloth –The Antagonist (S/R)

Anything to do with Abbey ov Thelema interests me. The duo that comprise this band are part of Nevaloth, another black metal band from Slovakia. I like the simplicity of the description of this album: “a conceptual work concerning the… Continue Reading →

Bad Tripes – Splendeurs et Viscères (S/R)

The story goes that this album arose from a desire to avoid the torpor of summer. I don’t know how true that is but it’s now summer and here is Bad Tripes’s second album. Reminding me of fellow French group… Continue Reading →

Birdeatsbaby – The Bullet Within (Dead Round Eyes)

Subconsciously knowing that this was next on my review pile I had a really strange dream last night involving birds trying to eat babies. I guess looking at the band name one assumes that it is a human baby being… Continue Reading →

Interview – The Osiris Club

  Here at Ave Noctum we have the pleasure to swim in very creative waters. Quite a few of the artist’s we feature see and manage the visuals and music as a whole but not many quite like The Osiris… Continue Reading →

Epitimia – (Un)reality (Hypnotic Dirge)

Where to start with this one? Well after the first somewhat baffling play it was a case of looking up more information on the band and I noted that this lot from St Petersburg in Russia contained both members of… Continue Reading →

Code – Augur Nox (Agonia Records)

It’s been a while since I last caught up with Code, though this was not through lack of a good impression made by their 2005 debut ‘Nouveau Gloaming’ – far from it in fact as it was a truly great… Continue Reading →

SepticFlesh – Ophidian Wheel (Season of Mist)

I’m not certain how many have noticed, but this is the third re-release this year by Season of Mist of the Septic Flesh back catalogue. Yes, there was a space in the name when the albums were originally released. ‘Ophidian… Continue Reading →

Kekal – Autonomy (Whirlwind Records)

I sat bolt upright and took notice. This is the strange and remarkable world of Kekal, the band from Indonesia who have existed since 1995, have released nine albums and yet have no members after they all left in 2009…. Continue Reading →

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