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Tag Autopsy

Vastum – Orificial Purge (20 Buck Spin)

Though the band name (Latin for “waste”) and album title may suggest otherwise, Vastum should not be mistaken for a trivial faecal-obsessed comedy grindcore act. Reasonably prolific since their 2009 inception, this Bay Area death metal quintet went suspiciously quiet… Continue Reading →

Coffins – Beyond the Circular Demise (Relapse Records)

Heavy metal, eh? She’s a queer old mistress, I reckon. I’ve been into metal as my primary musical love since I can remember, and she’s got so much to offer. Sometimes, I need to hear her in her most complex… Continue Reading →

Come Back From The Dead – The Rise Of The Blind Ones (Transcending Obscurity)

Name a death metal band from Spain….come on quick….. you can’t can you. Well, I can…. And not only are Come Back From The Dead from  A Coruña but they are killer too! What does Spanish death metal sound like?… Continue Reading →

Witch Vomit – Buried Deep In A Bottomless Grave (20 Buck Spin)

Band name and album title should leave you no clue left to find as to the musical style of these Americans, who have a heavy Scandinavian sound and a deathly vocal howl practiced by bands making a touch more extreme… Continue Reading →

Lord Gore – Scalpels For Blind Surgeons (Everlasting Spew)

They may have departed this earth 15 years ago with second album Resickened way back in 2004 but Lord Gore have never rested in pieces and now they have returned from the dead! It would have been impossible to actually… Continue Reading →

Burial Remains – Trinity Of Deception (Transcending Obscurity)

Seven tracks, twenty five minutes, old school death metal…… what’s not to like? Well…. Not much actually as this is a total blast and another win for Transcending Obscurity that has an absolutely stellar roster of bands. Burial Remains formed… Continue Reading →

Vircolac – Masque (Sepulchral Voice Records)

I was very taken with the debut EP from this Irish band. Their old school death metal with a large slice of black metal and their own take on how to squeeze melody between the cracks worked well for me,… Continue Reading →

Horrisonous – A Culinary Cacophony (Memento Mori)

Comprising stalwarts of the Australian underground scene, Horrisonous formed in 2015 and unleashed their first EP of sludgy death metal upon an unsuspecting world a year later. This debut album is awash with the kind of tongue-in-cheek song titles that… Continue Reading →

C-4 – Next Issue Of The Rotten World (S/R)

Considering the band name it would be a total cliché to say this one goes off like a bomb but with 6 tracks in less than 13 minutes it is definitely more C-4 semtex than Sinclair C-5 in the speed… Continue Reading →

Sepulcher – Panoptic Horror (Edged Circle Productions)

This Norwegian bands logo takes some deciphering as it appears that scant information is known about their members though they have released a debut titled “Mausoleum Tapestry” in 2015 which I’ve not heard. For 2018 the band has released a… Continue Reading →

Gateway – Boundless Torture (Pulverised)

Ok I had never heard Gateway before this, a one man band from Belgian Robin Van Oyen, but it had sat on the review list for a week so I thought “Hey, give it a go.. bit of doom death,… Continue Reading →

Violation Wound – With Man In Charge (Peaceville Records)

Headed up by Chris Reifert (Autopsy) there is a spattering of releases from Violation Wound who formed in 2014 when I reviewed the bands self-titled debut of which I was very complimentary with its no nonsense skin stripping punk rock…. Continue Reading →

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