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Tag Atræ Bilis

Atrae Bilis – Aumicide (20 Buck Spin)

Let me be honest here, when I received the list of albums available for review from He Who Must Be Obeyed (Pete) I was drawn to Atrae Bilis by the label who put this out rather than any description of… Continue Reading →

Atrae Bilis – Apexapien (20 Buck Spin)

Canada has had its fair share of death metal bands, when you think about it. Atrae Bilis are the newest ones to hit my ears, with the Vancouver based four piece having formed back in 2018, with one EP to… Continue Reading →

Atræ Bilis – Divinihility (Transcending Obscurity Records)

Atræ Bilis are a Canadian quartet playing death metal infused with melody and mellowness to juxtapose the brutal technicality of their chosen genre. Hailing from Vancouver they have released their first EP which showcases what they are capable of. It… Continue Reading →

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