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Tag Arcturus

Aeons Confer – Symphonies of Saturnus (SR)

You have to admire the ambition in a project like Aeons Confer: with almost 80 minutes of fast, melodic and heavy metal (or ‘dark’ metal, as the band prefers) and six big hairy blokes from Hamburg involved – it’s a… Continue Reading →

Chordewa – Recast Gear For The Mindcraft (Haarbn)

I’m pretty certain this is the first Moldovan band I’ve ever wrapped my ears around, and what a belter it is too. For a debut album, and hailing from a country that isn’t exactly teeming with metal related bounty, this… Continue Reading →

Arcturus, Fen & From The Bogs Of Aughiska – London Islington Academy 13/12/13

It’s mental out there, trying to stop and have a quiet pint in the pub before the show was an impossibility as some classy boss has treated about 50 of his braying staff to their turkey nosebags in the Moons… Continue Reading →

Code – Augur Nox (Agonia Records)

It’s been a while since I last caught up with Code, though this was not through lack of a good impression made by their 2005 debut ‘Nouveau Gloaming’ – far from it in fact as it was a truly great… Continue Reading →

Vulture Industries – The Tower (Season of Mist)

I don’t know what Vulture Industries would think of being regarded as “the new Arcturus”. Whilst in some respects this is a compliment and there is a commonality in that they’re both from Norway, “The Tower” is Vulture Industries third… Continue Reading →

Nonexistence – Antarctica (Candlelight)

For an album that was promoted to me as depressive/atmospheric black/death metal, Hope Dies First, the lead out track from Austrian one man band Nonexistence is a quiet beautiful, bleak and compelling slice of Funeral Doom with the kind of… Continue Reading →

Interview – Solefald

One thing that was rather a big surprise was to find out that Solefald were not only going to play their first dates since 1998 but also they were going to kick off the ‘Fire Walks With Me’ Tour alongside… Continue Reading →

Blåhø – Through Sinister Nightfall (SR)

Blåhø is not the noise one makes into a tissue when suffering a particularly bad cold but is actually the name of a mountain in the Trollheim range that this Norwegian band affiliate themselves with and apparently have members who… Continue Reading →

Okular – Sexforce (Regenerative Records)

‘Sexforce’. Pretty rape-y name for an album isn’t it? Well, there’s nothing sexy about this band, but they can be pretty forceful in their approach of proggy, deathly metal. Actually, I take the sexy thing back – some of their… Continue Reading →

Miseria Visage – Vanish into Dark (Three Rooks Records)

Birthed in 2012, Miseria Visage is a solo symphonic black metal project based in Leeds. ‘Vanish into Dark’ is an impressive feat for one person when taking into consideration the grandiose of the avant-garde sound of the album teamed with… Continue Reading →

Radiance – Undying Diabolyca (My Kingdom)

Well apparently as I sit down to write this it is International Women’s Day which is apt as this album is conceptually driven by the feminine figure represented by (and I am using the labels words here) “archetypes such as… Continue Reading →

Neokhrome – Perihelion (SR)

Well I guessed that Perihelion had something to do with astronomy and indeed it is the point that a planet or asteroid is nearest to the sun. The cover of the album here kind of gives that one away too…. Continue Reading →

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