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Tag Arcturus

The Meads of Asphodel/Tjolgtjar: The Divine Wrath split (Eternal Death)

No-one could ever accuse The Meads of Asphodel of being boring. The formula is sound: black metal at the core but with no limitations on imagination or range. Who can forget the snappily titled “Behold the Kindred Battle Carcasses Strewn… Continue Reading →

Hypothermia – Svartkonst (Agonia)

Comprising members of Lifelover and Kall Sweden’s Hypothermia has an extensive discography since their inception in 2001, which has seen the band always record everything they do live. Initially the band was more of a purist black metal style but… Continue Reading →

Arcturus, Vulture Industries, Attic, Caronte and Krakow – London Boston Arms 7/5/15

Yes this line-up does look a slightly odd mix on paper. What happened was this was meant to be two shows with Arcturus, Vulture Industries and Krakow playing upstairs at the much bigger Dome venue. Ticket sales, no doubt due… Continue Reading →

Arcturus – Arcturian (Prophecy)

This is one of those albums we never really expected to happen. After Arcturus split in 2007 following on from their ‘Sideshow Symphonies’ album a couple of years earlier things seemed pretty final. However they had persevered through losing original… Continue Reading →

Ahamkara – The Embers Of The Stars (Nordvis / Bindrune)

Perhaps their moniker is a reference to Hindu philosophy or, less likely, the dragon-like creature in the massively multiplayer first-person shooting videogame Destiny. One thing is for certain, Ahamkara sure know how to get under your skin. They are Newcastle-Upon-Tyne… Continue Reading →

Interview – Devilish Impressions

  Poland has a rich history of blackened death metal bands. Devilish Impressions was formed in 2000, since when they have been enhancing the genre with atmospheric and symphonic elements. As a follow-up to the band’s third album “Simulacra” in… Continue Reading →

Deconstructing Sequence – Access Code (S/R)

Following closely to last year’s 3 track EP ‘Year One’ comes the second EP from extreme progression experts Deconstructing Sequence. This time they only serve us with two tracks (clocking in at around 16 minutes in total runtime), but what… Continue Reading →

Demonic Resurrection – The Demon King (Candlelight)

Ever since I got this bands third album “The Return To Darkness” for review in another publication I have been hooked to their music completely and added to that their triumphant and staggering live performance at Bloodstock Open Air in… Continue Reading →

Vampillia – Some Nightmares Take You Aurora Rainbow Darkness (Candlelight)

Staring at the list of albums to review, I rolled my eyes, sighed and muttered “Oh I don’t know, just give me the weirdshit if no one else wants it… ” So here we are, me and Japanese noise nutters… Continue Reading →

Vintersorg – Naturbål (Napalm)

  When a mate of mine heard the last Borknagar album, his first comment to me was “Well, that’s Vintersorg buggered then”. I felt this was a comment with far too many possible connotations…on many levels…and so I asked him… Continue Reading →

Quintessence Mystica – Duality (Schwarzdorn)

Three years after The 5th Harmonic Of Death debut album from this Ukrainian duo it’s a welcome return for them with follow up Duality. Multi-instrumentalist Master Alafern is also a member of Thunderkraft and played live in Dub Bak as… Continue Reading →

Devilish Impressions – Adventvs / Eritis Sicut Deus (S/R)

This EP from Devilish Impressions is special. Following their third album “Simulacra” (2012), they have released this 62 minute epic comprising two new tracks and their 2002 demo “Eritis Sicut Deus”. The re-release of ‘Eritis Sicut Deus” is not before… Continue Reading →

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