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Tag Arcturus

Vulture Industries – Stranger Times (Season Of Mist)

There’s no denying that we are living in stranger times and can only thank all things within this chaotic era for music like this, something that reflects the lunacy we are dwelling amidst, during our short time on this crazy… Continue Reading →

Fleurety – Inquietum (Aesthetic Death)

I have had a bit of an infatuation with Fleurety ever since hearing their incredibly weird and breath-taking 1995 album Min tid Skal Komme. It subverted genre within the black metal world that I had come to love from Norway… Continue Reading →

Atrox – Monocle (Dark Essence)

Avant-garde perfection cannot be rushed and it has been one hell of a long wait since last album Binocular from Atrox way back in 2008. They are still very much looking through a glass lens which could well see them… Continue Reading →

Selcouth – Heart Is The Star of Chaos (I, Voidhanger Records)

Selcouth apparently is an adjective, which means strange, unusual and wondrous. The band, which is a collective of musicians from Finland, France, Spain, Russia and Argentina, most certainly got their name right. What I sensed here was an avant-garde artistic… Continue Reading →

The Thirteenth Sun – Stardust (Aural Music)

Just to call a band Progressive Metal poses further questions nowadays. Many years ago it was easy, it used to be that you would see the term and just think Dream Theater and that’s an end to it, but it’s… Continue Reading →

Lashblood – Unbeing (Aesthetic Death)

I’m always wary whenever I see term “avant-garde” applied to a band. This is the case with Russia’s Lashblood. It doesn’t take long on this follow-up to the band’s debut album “Philosophy of Self-Flagellation: Being and Nothing” (2012). A withering… Continue Reading →

Eternal Deformity – No Way Out (Temple Of Torturous)

Damn, it’s bad enough going through your mortal days with a boat-race like Joseph Merrick’s but you have to take it with you into the afterlife? Seriously though, if you took a look at this band’s name and thought as… Continue Reading →

Aenaon – Hypnosophy (Code666)

When I checked, for some reason I wasn’t surprised when I noticed. that this, the third album from Greek ‘progressive black metallers’ Aenaon was on Code666. Just something about its chaotic, semi industrial sound mixed in with the progressive elements…. Continue Reading →

Black Hole Generator – A Requiem For Terra (Dark Essence)

As I write this it looks as though the ‘American people’ have elected a president. After staring in abject disbelief at their ‘choice’ the black, stripped, hopeless sound of the title and title track here are an appropriate soundscape to… Continue Reading →

Hail Spirit Noir – Mayhem In Blue (Dark Essence Records)

I was first introduced to this Greek band via their second album titled “Oi Magoi” and was struck immediately by their uniqueness and their completely off the wall style. So, buckle up as we head down the proverbial rabbit hole… Continue Reading →

Borknagar – Winter Thrice (Century Media)

It’s not really important to me what a band used to sound like, where they started or the genre that they were classed as – it‘s more about where they are now and just interesting (though not essential) how they… Continue Reading →

Albums Of The Year 2015

Pete Woods (Editor) It’s been a real struggle just whittling this down to a mere 20 choices. Anyone that tells you that there has been no good music this year obviously is suffering from stupidity, serious wax in the ears… Continue Reading →

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