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Tag Arch Enemy

Warbringer – IV: Empires Collapse (Century Media)

Yankee Thrash metal titans; Warbringer have probably not  been on the scene as long as you think. Hailing from California and forming in 2004 and releasing their first demo’s in 2004 and then 2005. In 2006 their first EP was… Continue Reading →

Stortregn – Evocation Of Light (Great Dane)

In the latest edition of ‘I Can’t Believe It’s Not Swedish’ we actually have a band from Switzerland, Stortregn. Everything about this album screams at me that it comes from the Swedish black and death metal scene of about 15… Continue Reading →

Agrimonia – Rites of Separation (Southern Lord)

What is in a label? A genre label I mean, not a record label. I’ve heard so many arguments recently about the need to put a band’s music in a very clearly defined pigeon hole so that everyone can feel… Continue Reading →

Morgengrau – Extrinsic Pathway (Blind God Records)

Texan, Old-school death metallers Morgengrau were formed in 2010, so they’re still nippers to the scene. Having only just recorded their debut album it’s gonna take a cd made out of belly button fluff from each member of Cannibal Corpse… Continue Reading →

Hypocrisy – End of Disclosure (Nuclear Blast Records)

I was a relative latecomer to the world of Hypocrisy, only discovering them on their 1996 breakthrough album ‘Abducted’ where upon I was sucked in by the huge melodies, married with frantic rhythms and topped off with some of the… Continue Reading →

Interview – Voivod

  Just an hour and a bit before this interview was due to take place I could have literally killed technology as I had what can only be described as a bastard power cut. Surrounded by candles with analogue phone… Continue Reading →

Red Lamb – ST (Hansel & Gretel)

Remember Dan Spitz, go on think back, yep that’s him one time guitarist on the first six Anthrax albums before leaving music altogether and becoming a master Swiss watchmaker. Mr Spitz also states he has obsessive compulsive disorder and that… Continue Reading →

Sicadis – Blood Of A Thousand Hearts (SR)

When receiving self-released albums in for review, it really is a lottery when it comes to what sort of quality you get. Bands vary in what they consider to be a ‘finished article’ in terms of production and songwriting and… Continue Reading →

Dylath Leen – Cabale (Great Dane)

Taking their name from an H.P. Lovecraft fictional city and looking at the cover (brilliantly visualised by Seth Siron Anton) and title maybe a bit of Clive Barker too, I was intrigued to hear what this band sounded like. The… Continue Reading →

Haiduk – Spellbook (SR)

Hailing from the frozen forests of Canada we have an artist with a Spellbook. This is a one man entity with everything played and vocalised by Luka Milojica and it states on the biog that themes are “magic, evil, nature… Continue Reading →

Fisthammer – Devour All You See (Horror Pain Gore Death Productions)

This is Fisthammer’s first official release since their inception in 2008, and they have a fair bit to be proud of. These Pennsylvania face-pounders are not your average death metal band by any means, and have a few extra elements… Continue Reading →

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