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Tag Årabrot

Dun Ringill – Where The Old Gods Play Act 1 (The Sign Records)

Quick question: what’s better than discovering a new band that have a lot in common with one of your favourite bands? Answer: discovering a new band that has a lot in common with at least two of your favourite bands,… Continue Reading →

Various Artists – The Others – Lustmord Deconstructed (Pelagaic)

I saw recently someone exclaim “Hey this dark ambient is a piece of piss to do…” Joking or not the difference of course is that bad, dull, average may be accessible to anyone with a rudimentary software package and a… Continue Reading →

Lustmord & Karin Park – Alter (Pelagic)

Stories have always been a key component of human communication, community forming and learning. Mankind has probably been telling stories for one purpose or other since developing coherent speech. And the way we tell stories evolved alongside our own development…. Continue Reading →

Årabrot – Norwegian Gothic (Pelagic)

While mankind has probably been sharing frightening stories since developing coherent speech, the emergence of the gothic novel marks the modern beginnings of the horror genre. The Castle of Otranto and everything that followed gave the world the grotesque, the… Continue Reading →

Insect Ark – The Vanishing (Profound Lore)

Whether it’s me or the music, or a combination of both, I can’t really say, but Insect Ark’s compositions always remind me of certain literature. With Marrow Hymns (2018) I had to think of the writing of the Bronte Sisters… Continue Reading →

Arabrot – Who Do You Love (Pelagic)

If you like your music weird and unusual, your lyrics heavy with meaning and full of all sorts of connotations and connections, if you are fascinated by all things strange and bored by everything conventional, then Arabrot’s new album Who… Continue Reading →

MIdgardsblot Metal Festival – Borre, Vestfold, Norway August 16-18 2018 (Part 2)

DAY 2 SATURDAY The first band weren’t due on until 15:00 on Saturday giving time for another walk along the fjord and around the burial mounds as well as a visit to the Midgard Vikingsenter, home of the festival’s seminars… Continue Reading →

Ghold – Stoic (Crypt Of The Wizard)

One thing I learnt while reading up on this album is that there is a heavy metal store called Crypt of the Wizard in East London. Having spent hours and hours in record shops in my life, and picking up… Continue Reading →

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