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Tag Aoratos

Akhlys – House of the Black Geminus (Debemur Morti)

Claiming that Akhlys are “the globe’s premier channelers of abyssal nightmare” seems a bit strong but I get the idea. The band’s fourth album release promises “psychological horror, orchestrated bludgeon and eerie foreboding on a harrowing journey into pandemonic majesty”…. Continue Reading →

Akhlys – Melinoe (Debemur Morti)

Listening to Akhyls is like clenching your teeth in the face of a howling ice storm. I mean it. After the rumbling, oddly unsettling intro ‘Somniloquy’ simply crashes over you, pulling you down into the storm of some truly harrowing… Continue Reading →

Gaerea – Limbo (Season Of Mist)

Gaerea are a Portuguese quintet that bounced into existence around 2016. Initially, the masks and uniformity of stage attire marked them out as somewhat of a gimmick, but their eponymous EP and subsequent 2018 debut album displayed substance that more… Continue Reading →

Bâ’a – Deus Qui Non Mentitur (Osmose)

Sheepishly, I must confess ignorance to the musical activities of Anorexia Nervosa alumni since their seemingly permanent hiatus over a decade ago. It turns out that vocalist RMS Hreidmar (after giving said band the chop and causing the hiatus) has… Continue Reading →

Aoratos – Gods Without Name (Debemur Morti)

To my ears, a lot of American black metal sounds either overly polished, or too try-hard and unoriginal. Thankfully, Naas Alcameth *gets* raw European black metal aesthetics, and throughout his impressive oeuvre (Akhlys, Nightbringer among others) has always strived to… Continue Reading →

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