If you were lucky enough to hear 2013’s “Rise of the Mosh Mongers” by F.K.U. you know you are in for a retro treat. By retro I do not mean rebranded Trump(ed) up dayglow for Millennials. I mean full on… Continue Reading →
I was going to start this review off with the statement that these guys are 30 years late to the party, but realised that was most likely only when they were born. Additionally they wouldn’t have been as heavily influenced… Continue Reading →
Do we really need an introduction to this band? By the time I could do my typical, minimalist outline of the history of the band, their style and whatever else can pad out the initial paragraph, Municipal Waste would have… Continue Reading →
Having a bad day? Maybe the boss is giving you the shits and the rest of humanity is conspiring to just not play nice? 30 minutes is all you need to cast away these unpleasantries and Iron Reagan may just… Continue Reading →
Last August, I was lucky enough to do an in depth interview with Fernanda Lira, the vocalist and bassist one of the fast rising bands in thrash metal. For almost an hour we discussed things like her influences, her music… Continue Reading →
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