Twenty one years into their career, much loved Irish thrashers Gama Bomb deliver their eighth sonic explosion in the shape of “Bats”. Vocalist and guitarist Domo Dixon has taken the reigns and handled the production, mixing and mastering for the… Continue Reading →
One of the absolutely beautiful things about writing for this site, is the amount of curveballs you get thrown your way when putting your hand up for something you think you’ve got a pretty good understanding of. You often think… Continue Reading →
I thought long and hard before I cowered in the presence of the lord high priest of Ave Noctum’s sacred citadel and genuflected in his presence and asked his unholiness if I may be able to review this, Acid Reign’s,… Continue Reading →
One of the core concepts in Thrash Metal is how fun it is. Sure, you can be all serious like Slayer, Metallica (pre-1991) and Megadave are, but Anthrax were the band who managed to bring the fun with their infectious… Continue Reading →
Firstly, what a fucking great name for a metal band…Skulldriver….fantastic stuff, up there with Parasitic Ejaculation, Anal Cunt and Cannibal Corpse in self determinism. Band names that evoke and accurately paint of picture as to what you’re likely to experience… Continue Reading →
Overkill need no introduction, they are thrash masters and since I got into them in the 80’s I have never felt disappointed by one of their releases, no matter what people say, these are the dogs bollocks, always have been,… Continue Reading →
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