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Tag Anorexia Nervosa

Herrschaft – Les 12 Vertiges (Code 666)

I expected nothing less than twelve monstrously dark electronic metal tracks from this band, who could broadly be seen as a French equivalent of Wumpscut. Maybe they are, maybe they’re not that but they do have a cult status and… Continue Reading →

Screaming Savior – Infinity (Metal Hell Records)

Firstly being advocate of the English language it annoys the hell out of me when I see words like saviour, colour etc spelt without the ‘u’; crikey it really annoys me in fact. Be that as it may I will… Continue Reading →

Saille – Ritu (Code666 Records)

Symphonic black metal is not necessarily something that gets me out of bed in the morning or even at any other hour of these godforsaken days. Far far too much dross clogs up the entire sub-genre that really needs a… Continue Reading →

Interview – Carach Angren

  Carach Angren from The Netherlands are more than just a black metal band, adding extravagantly classical sounds to create a turbulence which reflects grotesque psychological themes and scenes of death. The latest of these works, capturing “seven visions of… Continue Reading →

Mystical Fullmoon – Scoring a Liminal Phase (ten strategies for post modern mysticism) (self-released)

It’s clear from the grandiose title and claims of this Italian band that this was not going to be an ordinary work. Developed over 15 years and lasting 74 minutes, there’s plenty of time for the promised “iconoclastic fury of… Continue Reading →

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