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Tag Anathema

Long-Distance Calling – Trips (Inside Out)

Germany’s Long-Distance Calling have been plying their trade for over a decade now, ploughing the furrow of their own brand of the ever-popular post-rock genre since their inception in 2006. Forgoing the more wistful, ‘telecasters with reverb set to 10’… Continue Reading →

Antimatter – The Judas Tales (Prophecy)

I think it’s fair to say that Antimatter have been finding their way since forming about 15 years ago. “The Judas Tales” is their sixth album. Classic rock, gothic, melancholic art rock – however you want to describe their style,… Continue Reading →

My Dying Bride – Feel The Misery (Peaceville)

We are a bit late to the party here and when I say party it’s not a happy one in the slightest; no jelly, ice cream, balloons and clowns here. The reason why for the delay is that we were… Continue Reading →

Kingcrow – Eidos (Sensory Records)

My first encounter with Kingcrow was at ProgPower Europe in 2011 when they put on a polished performance of progressive rock/metal. Then came the album “In Crescendo” (2013) – still more reason to be impressed. Once again, Kingcrow have produced… Continue Reading →

Paradise Lost – The Plague Within (Century Media)

After 27 years, it’s album number 14 for Halifax’s finest, Paradise Lost, and what a hell of a journey it’s been so far! Their humble and deathly beginnings gave rise to the pioneering style of “Gothic Metal”, before they went… Continue Reading →

Daylight Dies – The Candlelight Years (Candlelight)

Considering they formed way back in 1996 it was a surprise to realise that Carolinians Daylight Dies have only released four albums over their extensive career. Obviously they are a band to take their sweet time at things. This re-issue… Continue Reading →

Darius – Grain (Hummus Records)

Hummus is one of those labels that goes under the radar yet turns out top quality music through various genres and young Swiss horde Darius is one such act whose debut here showcases a maturity in song writing well beyond… Continue Reading →

Anathema – Reissues (Music For Nations)

Having heard about the queuing horrors for Record Store Day the day before I wrote this, it had me thinking about the strategic moves that record labels are deploying to aid us in parting with our cash only for some… Continue Reading →

Klone – Here Comes The Sun (Klonosphere)

Klone are a constantly evolving six piece from Poitiers, France who made their debut 12 years ago. In that time, the band has drifted away from its metal roots to a more progressive, ethereal sounding vintage rock band with some… Continue Reading →

The Kahless Clone – An Endless Loop (S/R)

I happen to know that the name of this project has something to do with Star Trek, not due to the fact that I’m a totally sad sci-fi geek but due to someone I knew who named their son after… Continue Reading →

A Swarm Of The Sun – The Rifts (Version Studio Records)

With a rather nice digipack CD forwarded to me through the post I was intrigued by the description afforded this Swedish band whose second album is already out and available on all platforms including the resurgent vinyl format. Post rock… Continue Reading →

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