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Tag Anathema

Download Festival 2017 – Donington Park 11/6/17

Sunday 11th June 2017 review only. Download is always a marmite festival for me, it either has loads on offer to draw my interest, or it is a weekend, I will happily swerve at a blink of an eye. While… Continue Reading →

The Eden House – Songs For The Broken Ones (Jungle)

We are used to reviewing the good, the bad and the downright ugly around these parts but sometimes it’s nice to get something that is simply drop dead gorgeous and beautiful and that is exactly where The Eden House fit… Continue Reading →

Anathema – The Optimist (KScope)

All hail optimism? Well in times of negativity it’s something that seems rare but do not despair entirely as although musically Anathema, as is well documented, are a long way from musical origins, narratively their lyrical themes are still to… Continue Reading →

Vallenfyre – Fear Those Who Fear Him (Century Media)

Crust, death, doom, dirt fans rejoice Yorkshire’s finest purveyors of filth Vallenfyre are back with album number three. Really this lot should need no introduction at all. Spearheaded by Gregor Mackintosh (Paradise Lost) and Hamish Glencross (ex My Dying Bride)… Continue Reading →

Until Rain – Inure (Sensory Records)

This is Greek band Until Rain’s third album release as follow-up to “The Reign of Dreams” (2009) and “Anthem to Creation” (2013). My only encounter with the band was at ProgPower Europe in 2015. What I remember about that was… Continue Reading →

Mourners Lament – We All Be Given (Hammerheart Records)

So, I placed a bid with Thee Editor to review this album, as I had reviewed an earlier album of theirs some years ago. Or rather, as it turned out, I hadn’t – I’d in fact reviewed another crew entirely,… Continue Reading →

Last Leaf Down – Bright Wide Colder (Lifeforce)

This sophomore album by Swiss quartet formed 14 years ago was really awesome last week when the weather was grey and gloomy, and the music matched it completely. With the sky blue and bright, the music somehow feels crisp and… Continue Reading →

Asira – Efference (S/R)

By the time I’d got to the second track of this album, I could see why this album was touted as being for fans of Anathema, Ulver, Opeth and Alcest. This is achieved by the abrupt changeover between the first… Continue Reading →

Fen – Winter (Code666)

After what seems like an eternity, but in actuality three years, Fen have returned with the successor to their 2014 full length release “Carrion Skies”, with the magnificent opus that is “Winter”. I’ve been a fan of Fen for a… Continue Reading →

Eternal Deformity – No Way Out (Temple Of Torturous)

Damn, it’s bad enough going through your mortal days with a boat-race like Joseph Merrick’s but you have to take it with you into the afterlife? Seriously though, if you took a look at this band’s name and thought as… Continue Reading →

Throes Of Dawn – Our Voices Shall Remain (Argonauta Records)

Ah Finland, nobody does Dark Metal quite like Finland. Nobody seems to cram in so much atmosphere, melancholy and lets face it, down-right despondency as the Fins manage. And I love them for it. Throes Of Despondency…sorry…Dawn like to supplement… Continue Reading →

Soul Dissolution – Pale Distant Light (Throats Productions)

This light might be pale and somewhat bleak but it’s not without warm shades to go with it. Soul Dissolution play a form of melancholic post black metal and come from Belgium. They are a duo of Jabawock and Acharan… Continue Reading →

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