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Tag Amor Fati

Cult Of Erinyes – Metempsychosis (Amor Fati)

The amount of bands, projects both past and present that Belgian Déhà is involved in is nothing short of stupefying. Under his own named project he put out around 13 releases last year and rest assured if not playing or… Continue Reading →

Häxanu – Totenpass (Amor Fati)

Debut album ‘Snare Of All Salvation’ certainly created an impact when it arrived from out of nowhere back in 2020 and obviously as soon as its follow up landed in my inbox I was keen to get stuck into it…. Continue Reading →

Dauþuz – Vom Schwarzen Schmied (Amor Fati)

Further carving out the “mining black metal” niche for themselves, prolific German duo Dauþuz return with their fourth full length album in five years, having squeezed a couple of EPs into this timeframe too. Continuing to eschew traditional black metal… Continue Reading →

Nubivagant – Roaring Eye (Amor Fati)

It’s going to be a good winter, if this platter casually tossed into the ether by the untried and untested Nubivagant is anything to go by. Sure, I admit, we’re in the middle of a global pandemic with economic meltdown… Continue Reading →

Akolyth – Akolyth (Amor Fati)

“Ritualistic” is a not a word naturally paired with blasting percussion, frenzied riffs and howling vocals, but it has recently become de riguer for black metal bands to promote themselves as such. Frankly I blame Behemoth and their overuse of… Continue Reading →

Häxanu – Snare Of All Salvation (Amor Fati)

I always keep an ear out for anything involving instrumentalist Alex Poole as it tends to be interesting and a damn good listen. His blackened assault on things often takes on a psychedelic hue and throws the listener down a… Continue Reading →

Mylingar – Döda Själar (Amor Fati)

It is kind of funny how far extremity has come in music, I mean people thought Elvis and The Beatles were shocking back in the day! Imagine if they could see the very depths of the Metal underground. Even still… Continue Reading →

Saqra’s Cult – The 9th King (Amor Fati Productions)

It’s not unusual to have bands from one geographic region dipping back in time and getting thematically entranced by a far removed and often ancient civilisation. Just think about the amount of Americans who walk like an Egyptian for example…. Continue Reading →

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