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Tag Amebix

NAG – Nagged To Death (Fysisk Format)

Can’t complain, this is the right way to get ‘nagged to death’ especially when the means of doing so is by delivering us a nice slab of vinyl. It was a timely arrival too as I have been reading A… Continue Reading →

Embryonic Cells – Horizon (Apathia)

Hailing from France Embryonic Cells have been spreading darkness since 1994. It took them 13 years to release an album. Horizon is their fourth album since 2007 and is actually a lot of fun. This is no bleak , orange… Continue Reading →

Antisect – The Rising Of The Lights (Rise Above)

Old crustbags never die, it just smells like it. Ah yes Antisect, the original squat the lot Anarcho punks have a hell of a history behind them which stretches right back to 1982 and has somehow resisted and existed and… Continue Reading →

Tau Cross – Pillar Of Fire (Relapse)

I had been waiting this one very impatiently along with tour dates. When the latter came along there were cries of indignation from lots of people as the UK was not included but the band were quick to say sorry… Continue Reading →

Gods Forsaken – In a Pitch Black Grave (SoulSeller Records)

Old School Swedish Death Metal. If you’re short on time, you could just read those first five words and have a pretty accurate view of what this album is like. That guitar sound is now so ubiquitous that it usually… Continue Reading →

Alaric – End Of Mirrors (Neurot)

I have been keeping my beady ears on Alaric since their debut self released album in 2011 and follow up split with Atriarch the year later. In my opinion they are one of the most authentic sounding groups who tread… Continue Reading →

Mantar- Ode to the Flame (Nuclear Blast)

At a mere three years old this Hamburg duo have created a moderate stir in the metal cesspool of late.  Comprising of vocalist /guitarist Hanno Klaenhardt and Erinc Sakarya on drums this gruesome twosome mix up elements of Black Metal, Doom… Continue Reading →

Victorian Whore Dogs – Afternoonified (Hibernacula Records)

Wit, humour and sludge do not often go together. Victorian Whoredogs mean to rectify that. Guildford in Surrey is also not a typical setting for downtuned moss covered riffage but that is exactly where this 4 piece herald from. “Afternoonified”… Continue Reading →

The Wolves of Avalon – Across Corpses Grey (Godreah)

 Look, there’s not going to be any hiding this from you, so we’ll just as well get it out into the open now. “Across Corpses Grey” is a three track release, with a couple of cover versions (of Nokturnal Mortum,… Continue Reading →

Moanaa- Descent (S/R)

Descent has been out a while. Since September 2014 so I can only guess that this is a re-release. Bloody good thing to as it gives this Polish quintet a second crack of the whip, which they thoroughly deserve. Descent… Continue Reading →

Tau Cross – S/T (Relapse)

It was a time of great jubilation when Amebix arose once more from the ashes in 2008. Those of us in the know remembering their might from the cold war, crust punk days saluted them and many others were quick… Continue Reading →

Krieg – Transient (Candlelight)

It’s coming up to two decades since USBM stalwarts Krieg started on a career which has seen some of the harshest black metal ever shat out the bowels of all that is unholy. Their 2002 release ‘Destruction Ritual’ was my… Continue Reading →

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