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Tag Ambient

Burzum – The Ways Of Yore (Byelobog)

It’s been just over a year since last album from Varg Vikernes dropped and ‘Sôl austan, Mâni vestan’ made his intentions quite clear that he has long moved away from the infamous black metal origins that along with his well-documented… Continue Reading →

Mosaic – Old Man’s Wyntar (Amor Fati)

Metal is far more experimental than the masses would give it credit for, but black metal has always been in a league all of its own. Beyond mere amplified guitar-based music and feeding expression that goes beyond ten tracks and… Continue Reading →

Strafk – Phaseshifting (Wraith)

‘Mysterious duo ‘. Oft used words but in this case well used as aside from the record label sheet and webpage, I could find very fuck all about them. They are apparently Russian, this is their debut EP and it… Continue Reading →

Neige et Noirceur – Gouffre Onirique et Abîmes Cosmiques (Sepulchral Productions)

From the bleakest and coldest corner of Canada comes Neige et Noirceur’s fourth album, not to mention a brilliant compilation of ambient blackness released last year called “Natura Mortis Sonoris”. The material has varied from eccentric black imaginings to eerie… Continue Reading →

Purplehaze Ensemble – S/T (Unquiet)

What’s in a name? Take PurpleHaze Ensemble’s moniker for instance. You’d imagine this Polish quartet to be a Jimi Hendrix covers band who, before each gig, spun a coin to see which band member would get to set fire to… Continue Reading →

Stroszek – Wild Years of Remorse and Failures (Hypnotic Dirge)

There’s a clue on Stroszek’s Facebook where it is written that the band’s influences come from “highways, trains, gas stations, hotel rooms”. As you may gather, “Wild Years of Remorse and Failures” is no barrel of laughs, nor is it… Continue Reading →

Lamia Culta – Woman Scarred (Vox Inferni)

Ukraine’s Lamia Culta are an example of a near total shift of direction between albums. We usually see this kind of metamorphosis happen throughout various records in a certain band’s career, but what is surprising in the case of Lamia… Continue Reading →

Negură Bunget – Gînd a-prins (Prophecy)

Aside from the EP release of ‘Poartă de dincolo’ back in 2011, all has been quiet on the NB front following multiple band rifts and a series of changes in members. When Sol Faur and Hupogrammos left after the release… Continue Reading →

[òwt krì] – The New Seed (Alrealon Musique)

The thing about droning ambiance is that it plays in the mind of the listener, at least those who want to listen. It helps if the composer fuels the imagination, and Finland’s Kenneth K manages to do this with this… Continue Reading →

Vali – Skogslandskap (Prophecy)

Ulver’s 1996 album ‘Kveldsanger’ has a lot to answer for if you ask me. By the mid-nineties, the concept of black metal bands adding delicate acoustic interludes or introductions to their albums was nothing new, artists quickly cottoning onto the… Continue Reading →

Urna – Mors Principium Est (ATMF)

Wilfully one dimensional is how I’d describe a lot of funeral doom. Yes, there is potential genius in tracks that have a tendency to repeat themselves over and over for 10 minutes at a time, but also potential for lack… Continue Reading →

Lustre – Wonder (Album) and A Spark of Times of Old (EP) – (ATMF / Nordvis Productions)

Nachtzeit, the man behind Lustre, clearly has plenty to say. Since 2008, he has expressed his nature-inspired visions through four albums and four EPs. The fourth album “Wonder” and EP “A Spark of Times of Old” share similar ambient qualities…. Continue Reading →

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