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Tag Almyrkvi

Slidhr – The White Hart (Debemur Morti)

Taking their name from a river in hell this Irish / Icelandic band was conceived at first as a one-man project by Joseph Deegan also of Verminous Serpent. By debut album ‘Deluge’ he was joined by highly regarded drummer Bjarni… Continue Reading →

Almyrkvi / The Ruins Of Beverast – Split (Ván Records)

There may only be four tracks on this split release but with an average running time of 10 minutes each there is plenty to immerse yourself in and it certainly is not lacking in substance. Both bands could be considered… Continue Reading →

Sinmara – Hvísl Stjarnanna (Ván Records)

Iceland appears to have overtaken Finland in terms of metal bands per capita, and Sinmara are one of the more recognisable names hailing from the land of fire and ice. After causing quite a stir with their 2014 debut album… Continue Reading →

Svartidauði – Revelations of the Red Sword (Ván Records)

Since the release of 2012’s ‘Flesh Cathedral’, Icelandic black metallers Svartidauði have been busy – amidst a plethora of live performances alongside the likes of Mgła and One Tail One Head, the trio have released three EPs and a live… Continue Reading →

Slidhr – The Futile Fires Of Man (Van Records)

One man projects in the Metal world may not be uncommon but they have always intrigued me. The sense of isolation from an individual, the thought that only a single solitary person has the willingness, desire and drive to create… Continue Reading →

Eigenlicht – Self-Annihilating Consciousness (I, Voidhanger)

It’s far too simplistic to label such a rich, complex and emotionally driven album as this from the outset with a tag or casually applied subgenre label. So it might be better to sidestep any analysis of purpose at this… Continue Reading →

Almyrkvi – Umbra (Ván)

What is even more shocking than Iceland’s recent rampant assault on the black metal scene (yes, we’re all still going on about it) is that it took so bloody long. I mean, sure Norway has the fjords and the mountains,… Continue Reading →

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