After 26 years and 13 previous albums, Therapy? are a band that have been there and done that. Although the general populous would plump for ‘Troublegum’ as their finest hour, their output has yielded many highlights, including ‘Pleasure Death’, ‘Infernal… Continue Reading →
The music industry is not what it once was, with major labels seemingly not willing to invest in new acts unless they are the vapid nonsense that currently passes for R’n’B, the product of some reality show, or a one… Continue Reading →
There are 2 bands from the U.S. called ‘Fashion Week’, one plays lame indie bollox, and the other one sounds like they may want to kill you. …Thankfully, it’s the latter band that concerns us here. I say thankfully, to… Continue Reading →
Having released two singles back in 2012 (Inside your head and Momma’s son), Greek grunge rockers SolarMonkeys are finally releasing their first full length album – Payblack. The Greeks have a unique sound which draws heavily from the Seattle grunge… Continue Reading →
Everybody is guilty of musical snobbery of some form or another no matter how liberal they may claim to be, this humble scribe included. Picture the scene, a metal night club of the early nineties where there was a uniform… Continue Reading →
Not too long ago a certain cow tongued wig wearing dinosaur very publicly lambasted the internet and heralded it as the death of rock and roll. I’d like to reply to his contention; fuck off you stack heeled twat! Yes,… Continue Reading →
This band like Alice in Chains. A lot. At one time that would have been cool, because there was no Alice In Chains. Now there is again. Ya get me. OK that is off my chest These guys are good… Continue Reading →
What happens when Steve Brooks from Torche resurrects the band he started in 1992 and gets his fuzz on with Kurt Ballou behind the desk? “Oblation” that’s what. Torche are known for their brightly coloured surreal cartoon like album covers…. Continue Reading →
Jupiter Zeus are a 4-piece stoner rock meets psyche rock band hailing from Perth, Western Australia who formed in 2008. Formerly called ‘Nebula’, the new version of the band play a similar style of music – stoner rock grooves filled… Continue Reading →
What’s in a name? Take PurpleHaze Ensemble’s moniker for instance. You’d imagine this Polish quartet to be a Jimi Hendrix covers band who, before each gig, spun a coin to see which band member would get to set fire to… Continue Reading →
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