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Tag Alda

Alda – A Distant Fire (Eisenwald)

If I remember rightly, Alda were meant to be in the UK at the moment, touring with Panopticon and Winterfylleth. That mouthwatering line up was set to be one of the gigs of the year, not least because it would… Continue Reading →

Mavradoxa – Nightmarrow (Hypnotic Dirge)

North America has a rich heritage when it comes to atmospheric black metal with bands such as Wolves in the Throne Room, Agalloch, Alda and Panopticon having evolved a style of their own, evoking images of desolate landscapes and dense… Continue Reading →

Alda – Passage (Bindrune)

When discussing Cascadian black metal Agalloch, Panopticon and Wolves in the Throne Room are names that are often brought up. Despite the aforementioned acts being the most notorious of the subgenre, there are others just as deserving of same esteem… Continue Reading →

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