Ave Noctum

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ProgPower Europe – JC Sjiwa club, Baarlo, Netherlands 4/10/24

ProgPower Europe is the musical equivalent of a holiday in the sun. One thing that makes me particularly appreciative – maybe it doesn’t take a lot – is how orderly and organised it all is. I do realise that I’m… Continue Reading →

Mork – Syv (Peaceville)

Syv means seven according to Google. So as appears to be tradition when bands reach their seventh album Mork’s seventh is called seven. But let’s be honest it is something to celebrate. The other thing about the entity that is… Continue Reading →

Ottone Pesante – Scrolls of War (Aural Music)

I think the last album I reviewed which didn’t contain any guitars was Van Canto. But this heavy brass trio consisting of trumpeter Paolo Raineri, trombonist Francesco Bucci and drummer Beppe Mondini are only playing original songs, so there’s no… Continue Reading →

Breeding Chaos – Distant Planets (Great Dane Records)

Always nice to receive an actual physical product to review in these days of downloads and streaming. Also cool to get a couple of fine death metal albums from Great Dane Records of which this French band is my first… Continue Reading →

Obnoxious Youth – Burning Savage (Svart)

One of the best thing about reviewing is it genuinely keeps reminding you of how little you know. I mean case in point, Obnoxious Youth. Yet another name I had not crossed paths with before so on a quick glance… Continue Reading →

Ghostheart Nebula – Blackshift (Meuse Music)

These Italians were already on the rise with debut album ‘Ascension’ proving itself to be a confident and mature opening gambit. Three years later they are back with the follow up which is described as being ‘Cosmic Doom.’ With a… Continue Reading →

Funeral – Gospel Of Bones (Season Of Mist)

I’m not going to lie, outside of Ahab, Bell Witch and a small selection of others my Funeral Doom knowledge on the genre is lacking, and that does make me a bit sad because every time I hear it I… Continue Reading →

Hell is Other People – Moirae (Transcending Obscurity Records)

Hell is Other People is a great band name and certainly sums up how I feel a lot of the time! Being intrigued, I went away to doing a little digging as to its origins, and was led to a… Continue Reading →

Invernoir – Aimin’ for Oblivion (Code666)

Make no mistake, Autumnal angst and anguish are definitely setting in. Looking at what is left on the review list in front of me, there is one constant and it sure ain’t happiness. So I first turn to Rome a… Continue Reading →

[ówt krì] – Parasitic Symbiosis (Cursed Tapes)

With this latest work of dark ambience comes an interesting story of Finnish collaboration and recycling. While accessible on bandcamp, the principal format of this production is cassette tape. But this is no mass production exercise as Mikko Polus, a… Continue Reading →

IMHOTEP – Issue 12 (Cult Never Dies)

Not to be confused with IHOP but equally something to lovingly gorge on, IMHOTEP is a highly regarded Norwegian webzine focussing on in depth articles about the important artists within the extreme metal scene. It has been inactive for a… Continue Reading →

Kosmodome – Ad Undas (Stickman)

It’s always hard to do justice in writing to something that should be listened to – I ought to know as I spend my time doing it – so I commend Kosmodome’s stiff attempt to describe their own music: “Kosmodome’s… Continue Reading →

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