Ave Noctum

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The Monolith Deathcult – The Demon Who Makes Trophies of Men (Human Detonator Records)

Here’s a band who have carved out a niche for themselves in the world of death metal. Now it’s time for album number nine for the trio from the Netherlands. Theatrical is a word I could use to describe The… Continue Reading →

Corpus Diavolis – Elixiria Ekstasis (LADLO Productions)

By Satan and all his agencies, this is a (great) beast of an album. Running just shy of an hour and hitting you like the last 5-minutes of Ben Wheatley’s Kill List, (what do you mean spoilers, it came out… Continue Reading →

Iskalde Morket – Deleted Scenes From The Pandemic Ward (S/R)

If you recognise the most deliberate nod in the title of this album (to The Axis Of Perdition for the uninitiated) then not only will you have a vague idea for the turmoil, chaos and noise within but will also… Continue Reading →

Austere – Beneath The Threshold (Prophecy)

A state of nothingness for 13 years and then two albums delivered within the space of just one. For whatever reason Australian musos Mitchell Keepin and Tim Yatras found the necessary spark to resurrect Austere, I’m sure nobody is complaining…. Continue Reading →

Keygen Church – Nel Nome Del Codice (Metal Blade)

Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to discuss the charming, weird, wonderful, obscenely talented musical singularity that is Mr. Victor Love. If you don’t know who that is, then let me explain: We start – a touch improbably –… Continue Reading →

Friends of Hell – God Damned you to Hell (Rise Above)

Tattooist and metal scene stalwart Tas Danazoglou returns with Friends of Hell for more trad metal/ doom dark shenanigans. This is the second opus by Friends of Hell and follows the self-titled debut in 2022. There has been a change… Continue Reading →

Saturday Night Satan – All Things Black (Made of Stone Recordings)

Despite the near absence from popular media, the realm of Metal is a vast sonic landscape, stretching across many countries, and many sounds and styles. Under the umbrella of the title are found everything from the most guttural of Nordic… Continue Reading →

Disbelief – Killing Karma (Listenable)

I first got acquainted with Disbelief about 20 years ago when they ripped up the stage with their raucous, in-your-face metal, releasing the appropriately titled “Spreading the Rage”. “Killing Karma” is their eleventh album, the tenth being “The Ground Collapses”… Continue Reading →

Cryfemal – La Gran Victoria Del Mal (Immortal Frost Productions)

During the 30 years plus of listening to black metal and all its subsequent subgenres I can honestly say I’ve been subjected to some of the most extreme music that has ever been constructed. In retrospect some of the very… Continue Reading →

Riitasointu – Pedon Likkie (Naturmacht)

This is the debut full length by Finnish black/folk metal duo Riitasointu after a demo and a couple of singles so new voices to listen to. Apparently the name means ‘dissonance’ which is an interesting name for a folk influenced… Continue Reading →

White Dog – Double Dog Dare (Rise Above Records)

Readers of Ave Noctum, I believe the year of production for this long lost album is in fact 1970, and to put it in context the “policing action” raging in Vietnam and South East Asia is grabbing headlines in the… Continue Reading →

Ingested – The Tide Of Death And Fractured Dreams (Metal Blade)

So, Jay Evans calls himself the Slam King does he? Well, in my friendship group I’m also referred to as the Slam King, so it only seems fitting for me to take on this review. I’m much like many BDM… Continue Reading →

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