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Ravenhymn – I Saw The Wolf (S/R)

My introduction to new medieval folk troupe Ravenhymn was at Warhorns Festival and I think it’s fair to say it wasn’t the best introduction. With backing tapes and other miscalculations and misfortunes it was no doubt a bit frustrating for… Continue Reading →

Vuur & Zijde – Boezem (Prophecy Productions)

In 2020, I reviewed a split with three outstanding windswept and atmospheric pieces from Vuur & Zijde. Such, I guess, was the maturity of it that I had the mistaken idea that thought they’d released more than that. They hadn’t,… Continue Reading →

Sijjeel – Affiliation Of Horrid Containment (Comatose Music)

My attention to this band originally materialised because the main guy, Hussain Akbar, is from Saudi Arabia, a place not really known for its extreme metal bands. Granted he is ably assisted by a couple of guys from Germany and… Continue Reading →

Regicide – Resist Control (S/R)

This is the debut album by the thrash quartet from Essex, and a pretty refined debut at that. Consisting of Niall Byrne (Vocals/Guitars), Josh Birch (Bass), Mike Davies (Guitar) and Jordan Maze (Drums), the band was formed in 2020 and… Continue Reading →

Vimur – The Timeless Everpresent (Avantgarde Music)

Vimur has been on my radar for quite some time though I must admit I’ve not really given them the attention they probably deserve, but this will now change after listening to their fourth magnificent slab of melodic black metal…. Continue Reading →

Kommandant – Exhibition Of Conquest (ATMF)

2 decades after declaring war and eradication of the species from their Chicagoan Kommand Bunker we are informed that this EP is considered a time for gathering thoughts and weaponry prior to the next all-out assault. This should not bother… Continue Reading →

Aeons – The Ghosts of What We Knew (Sliptrick Records)

Being a progressive metal band, and one which draws references to Opeth, Born of Osiris and Veil of Maya amongst others, it was my hope that the anticipated musical range could be brought together to make the sonic story a… Continue Reading →

Kryptos – Decimator (AFM)

Bangalore, India is not the first place one naturally associates with heavy metal. However, since 1998, four local lads formed a band forged in the most classic tradition of the genre. Kryptos have since garnered global attention and indeed travelled… Continue Reading →

Orden Ogan – The Order Of Fear (Reigning Phoenix Music)

Highlighting the first of many positives right away, I’m glad to see that the title of Orden Ogan’s previous album “Final Days” wasn’t a prediction about their own future, because the band have returned bright eyed and spiky tailed in… Continue Reading →

Malconfort – Humanism (Transcending Obscurity)

Those of you into the more eclectic side of black metal have probably already realised that this UK band has taken their name from a Deathspell Omega tune that was on their ‘Paracletus’ album in 2010. That outfit is certainly… Continue Reading →

Horned Almighty – Contagion Zero (Soulseller)

Four years after leaving us to ‘Fathom The Master’s Grand Design’ everyone’s favourite Devilish Danes are back. They have consistently led us down the left hand path since changing their name from Mareridt back in 2002 and put out seven… Continue Reading →

Midnight Odyssey – Closer To The Sky (I, Voidhanger)

Thirty five minutes is an album to some bands. To Midnight Odyssey I’m kinda surprised they didn’t call this a single but I guess it is four tracks. I’ve been a fan of the project, and Dis Pater’s work in… Continue Reading →

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