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Ironflame – Kingdom Torn Asunder (High Roller)

This is album number five for this US heavy/power metal band. Throughout their career they have provided, what I term happy heavy metal. The foundations of which are built from the forefathers of our lovely heavy metal genre, but lazily… Continue Reading →

ColdCell – Age Of Unreason (AOP Records)

I seem to have hit a peak of bleak with my review picks of late and knew that with Swiss “Extinction Advocates” ColdCell in front of me that little in the way of light would be shining through. No point… Continue Reading →

Arka’n Asrafokor – Dzikkuh (Reigning Phoenix)

Hailing from Togo, Arka’n Asrafokor have laid their claims for being the West African country’s only metal band. With their 2019 debut “Zã Keli” (Meaning ‘Night and Day’ in Ewe, one of the majority languages of their native Togo) laying the groundwork… Continue Reading →

Ulvehunger – Retaliation (Darkness Shall Rise Productions)

This Norwegian band is likely to get a lot of attention because of the band members within it. With such luminaries as Frost (Satyricon) and Anders Odden (Cadaver) the pedigree of the band is in no doubt. Ulvehunger blends the… Continue Reading →

Occulta Veritas – Irreducible Fear of the Sublime (I, Voidhanger)

Let’s get straight to it, this is not for the faint hearted. This is complex, dissonant and claustrophobic. It is jarring, angular and raw. At its core it is post black metal, but it sits very much at the harsh… Continue Reading →

The Eternal – Skinwalker (Reigning Phoenix Music)

I often wonder about how bands that don’t live in the same locality manage to organise themselves sufficiently to be able to go about their creative endeavours. Marvelous indeed then that The Eternal manage to produce music given that their… Continue Reading →

Motivik – Renouncement (Roxx Records)

This is the second album by the American duo from Atlanta, Georgia that was formed in 2020… Well, Motivik was at any rate, they appear to have gone by the moniker Unorthodox between 1993 and 1998, with my favourite song… Continue Reading →

Totengott – Beyond The Veil (Hammerheart Records)

There’s a couple of metal bands with this moniker but this version is from Spain and delves into the cataclysmic doom-death subgenre for a third album packed with ideas. I’ve seen various sources purporting that the band blends quite a… Continue Reading →

Todesstoss – Das Liebweh-Dekret (I, Voidhanger)

Even taking into account those involved in the non-conventionality of extreme music Martin Lang sticks out as being a real maverick and outsider with his art. Todesstoß have been delivering a musical ‘death-blow’ since around 2000 and under Lang’s tutelage… Continue Reading →

Servants To The Tide – Where Time Will Come To Die (No Remorse)

The first notes and riff of opener on this ‘With Starlight We Ride’ and I thought we were veering into Solstice territory, until it became all more symphonic and grandiose with choral sounds. Then the lead vocals come in and…… Continue Reading →

Werewolves – Die For Us (S/R)

Five albums in five years? Whaaaat? This is the fifth one I have reviewed so I knew exactly what I was getting from these Aussies and that is ferocious blasting Death Metal with catchy riffs and a wry wit with… Continue Reading →

Uprising – III (AOP Records)

Despite the title this is actually album number four from Uprising, the rabble rousing project from Winterherz of Waldgeflüster. Personally enjoying album number II but missing the intermediate bridge between this and that, the re-amped and remixed ‘Uprising I.I’ I… Continue Reading →

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