Ave Noctum

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Hail Darkness – Death Divine (Vatican Records)

When it comes to art, very little is new. Yes, occasionally a new bit of technology comes along to allow a brief semblance of uniqueness, but then everyone jumps on the bandwagon and what was fresh and sparkling quickly becomes… Continue Reading →

Rome – World in Flames (Trisol Music Group)

If you need an introduction to the opus of Jerome Reuter, a.k.a. Rome, you might be best advised to think of him as a modern-day bard. This might help you understand his motivation, his aims, his concepts and his hyper-productivity…. Continue Reading →

Gravenoire – Devant La Porte Des Étoiles (Season Of Mist)

A new outfit but seasoned ghouls and gargoyles gathered together here for some Grand-Guignol blackness and a touch of the grandiose. With members past and present from the likes of Hyrgal, BÂ’A, Seth, Glaciation, Anorexia Nervosa and Diablation (whose Irreverent… Continue Reading →

Hammerfall – Avenge The Fallen (Nuclear Blast)

Hammerfall. There’s no denying the influence this Swedish band has had on the Power Metal scene over the years and the following they’ve built. Their debut was a breath of fresh air whilst Metal was still mired in the turgid… Continue Reading →

Ascia – The Wandering Warrior (Perpetual Eclipse Productions)

Well I never! I got this disc just as I started to pack for my summer holiday. Every time I pack up, I prepare some books to read on my Kindle, and this year I have resolved to try and… Continue Reading →

Mausoleum – Defiling The Decayed (Moribund)

Apparently US act Mausoleum are “the infernal purveyors of Zombiecult Death Metal” and one could wonder just where they interred themselves for the last thirteen years after releasing second album ‘Back From The Funeral’ in 2011. Defiling The Decayed is… Continue Reading →

Shadow Knell – Shadow Knell (Relapse Records)

Wow, Ave Noctum actually gets sent some dungeon synth at last! Aye I was right on this when it popped up. But there are a couple of curiosities here too. Firstly; Relapse? Dungeon synth? Ooookay. Strange home but there we… Continue Reading →

Shum – Pulzáló Dobok Tisztítkát Meg Az Eget (Repose Records)

Cassette releases come across as ultra-cult, but there is normally a more practical reason for the use of this media, namely small numbers can be put out at affordable cost. This album is accessible on bandcamp by the way so… Continue Reading →

Morgue – Close To Complete Darkness (Godz Ov War)

As you can probably imagine there are dozens of bands with the band name Morgue spanning the entire globe but this version is from France is possibly one of the more well known since they have released four albums previous… Continue Reading →

Monument of Misanthropy – Vile Postmortem Irrumatio (Transcending Obscurity)

Sometimes you listen to something and while the subject matter may be truly grotesque and the stuff of nightmares, it’s still fiction and takes the edge off slightly. Granted you’re having a glimpse into someone’s depravity, but since it’s fantasy… Continue Reading →

Fulci – Duck Face Killings (20 Buck Spin)

NB: contains descriptions likely to cause offence. Keep repeating, “it’s only a review, it’s only a review!” It probably comes as no surprise to anyone that having previously tackled Zombie Flesh Eaters and City Of The Living Dead, Fulci would… Continue Reading →

Königreichssaal – Psalmen’o’delirium (Godz Ov War)

The (many) wolves of madness howl, a mournful little melody wafts over the top, and then – somewhat abruptly – chaos ensues. Rocketing straight to the top of my mental list of “I don’t know what I was expecting, but… Continue Reading →

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