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Serotonin – Motiv (Narcoleptica Productions)

Avant-garde black metal, dark atmospheres and themes …. let’s try Serotonin. “Motiv” is the band’s fourth album release. The band itself has been around for about 20 years. The album starts with the fast and hard “Climbing the Colossus”, the… Continue Reading →

Phaëthon – Wielder Of The Steel (Gates of Hell)

This is the debut album release from London based Epic Heavy Metal band who started with the very solid foundation of ‘Sacrifice Doth Call’ EP. With lyrics of valour and fighting through time and extension to basic Greek mythology. With… Continue Reading →

Modern Rites – Endless (Debemur Morti)

A good album title has always been a sellable gimmick throughout the history of music, but it’s something else to come across an album whose name reflects just how much you are enjoying it and never want the experience to… Continue Reading →

Zeit der Dunkelheit – Die Letzten Tage (S/R)

Well I’m a bit confounded about all this and the information provided on this band inviting us to their ‘Days Of Darkness’. Yes, language wise everything is in German but we are told they were founded in London. Fair enough… Continue Reading →

Other World – Tenebrous (Debemur Morti)

Those of you who follow the underground black metal scene, if you can call it that these days with practically everything being available at your fingertips, will probably know this US black metal act because the band members have played… Continue Reading →

Officium Triste – Hortus Venenum (Transcending Obscurity)

Forgive me, my knowledge of Doom in general is somewhat lacking, which is really stupid because I like a lot of it. From Sabbath to Saint Vitus, Green Lung to Candlemass. My spectrum of Doom as a sound is broad… Continue Reading →

Papangu – Lampião Rei (Repose Records)

Along comes Papangu’s second album release. I didn’t know anything about this band before the first one “Holoceno” (2021), other than the fact that they come from Brazil. “Holoceno” was a revelation. A sort of heavy and dark avant-garde romp… Continue Reading →

Wintersun – Time II (Nuclear Blast)

One thing Wintersun are not is predictable. Having released “Time I” way back in 2012, main-man Jari Mäenpää (songwriting, vocals, guitars, keyboards etc etc) chose to follow it five years later with the alternatively conceptually themed “The Forest Seasons”. But… Continue Reading →

Sur Austru – Datura Străhiarelor (Avantgarde)

The background story here is practically one of legend itself. Humble beginnings saw Wiccan Rede develop into Negura Bunget. Their music introduced many to the realms of traditionalism and folkloric music from Romania where it was married to blackened extremity… Continue Reading →

Anciients – Beyond the Reach of the Sun (Season of Mist)

Thoughtful is a good way to describe the approach of Anciients, whose third album this is and the first since “Voice of the Void” in 2016. Since then real-life events, the pandemic and line-up changes have intervened, but now this… Continue Reading →

Uniform – American Standard (Sacred Bones)

A desolate scene decorates the cover of Uniform’s new album American Standard. In it, a power plant or some kind of processing site is blasting smoke into the air, and the yellow hue of the semi-dark scene suggests heavy pollution…. Continue Reading →

Ellende – Todbringerin (AOP Records)

I’ve always found Austria’s Ellende somewhat enigmatic. Mainly due to how I could never decide whether the band fitted more in the post black metal canon or the ever-expanding atmospheric black metal horde. But also because of how their output… Continue Reading →

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