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Category ALBUM

CD, MP3 and Demo reviews

Rituals Of The Dead Hand – The Wretched And The Vile (Immortal Frost Productions)

Clearly I’ve been sleeping on ROTDH as despite three albums in six years this is my introduction to this member of The Nox Entity collective. A quick scan of the members indicates pretty much what I would very respectfully call… Continue Reading →

Infernal Angels – Shrine Of Black Fire (Immortal Frost Productions)

To misquote Andrea Bianchi’s infamous Burial Ground film “mother, this album smells of death.” Whilst shuffling ghouls in rotting rags mercilessly stalk their hapless prey and childult actor Peter Bark takes a bite out of his loving mother’s breast, one… Continue Reading →

Mastiff – Deprecipice (MNRK)

Emotions and the ability to act on said emotions, feelings or thoughts is one of the core components of our DNA that differentiates humans from almost all other forms of life that we share this beautiful world with. That’s not… Continue Reading →

Darkestrah – Nomad (Osmose)

Originally from Kyrgyzstan but now residing in Germany Darkestrah have always been a fascinating band utilising traditional instruments into a black metal mainframe. You know that you are in for something a bit different when you actually have to look… Continue Reading →

Sons of Alpha Centauri – Pull (Exile On Mainstream)

Following on from 2021’s Push we now have the other half of the gym split. Well maybe this is not for workout freaks but rather those that love catchy as covid alternative metal /post hardcore with pop hooks and melodies…. Continue Reading →

Cantique Lépreux – Le Bannissment (Eisenwald)

Not acquainted with this particular facet of the Metal Noir Quebecois scene, but with a member of Forteresse and another live member in their ranks, and a label like Eisenwald behind them and a theme of being driven from society… Continue Reading →

Civerous – Maze Envy (20 Buck Spin)

A sophomore full length album from this Los Angeles based death/doom crew. I’m going to confess that I hadn’t heard of the band before, and in fact didn’t particularly “get” this album at first listen. I was listening to it… Continue Reading →

MNHG – Necare (Immortal Frost Productions)

Formerly known as Thygrim and playing pagan orientated black metal these Germans changed their name to MNHG. It’s not quite a random moniker as it sounds and although at first I was scratching head wondering if they had chosen random… Continue Reading →

Givre – Le CloÎtre (Eisenwald)

Last time out, Givre represented through their epic and atmospheric black metal the theme of pride, patriotism, hardship and faith within the French nationalist struggle in Canada. That was “Destin Messianique” (2022). Here on “Le CloÎtre”, the story concerns six… Continue Reading →

Brodequin – Harbinger Of Woe (Season Of Mist)

Having formed back in 1998 it could be said that Brodequin are one of the true pioneers of Brutal Death Metal, if only their debut Instruments Of Torture had come out sooner than 2000. I think it would be a… Continue Reading →

Dödsrit – Nocturnal Will (Wolves Of Hades)

I admit that despite knowing the name I hadn’t really ever engaged with Dödsrit before this but with a PR sheet tossing ‘black metal hiking punks’ at me it kinda sets up expectations so when opener ‘Irjala’ comes at me… Continue Reading →

Waidelotte – Celestial Shine (Debemur Morti)

Comprising members of White Ward, Soen, Naoni Orchestra and others, this Ukrainian band combines black metal with melodic death metal, progressive metal and traditional folk singing and instrumentation. The album is about an individual’s journey through darkness and disappointment towards… Continue Reading →

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