A few years back, Swedish Death ‘n’ Rollers Jesus Chrüsler Supercar unleashed ‘35 Supersonic’. A gnarly, fuzzed-up adrenaline shot of good time, doomy, rock and roll. You’ll be pleased to know that their infernal follow up album ‘Lücifer’ continues this… Continue Reading →
How about some Eco-doom from Italian duo The Haunting Green? ‘Natural Extinctions’ is the first full-length recording from Cristiano Perin (guitar, vocals, and electronics) and drummer/vocalist Chantal Fresco, and is a potent brew of experimental dirge, and persuasive power. A… Continue Reading →
The Young Gods are back! The Swiss industrial pioneers have returned with their new studio L.P. ‘Data Mirage Tangram’, their first full album since 2010’s ‘Everybody Knows’. Recorded after a time of public experimentation, Young Gods’ main man Franz Treichler… Continue Reading →
It’s been a little while since Danish funeral doomsters Woebegone Obscured last skulked onto my music system, with 2014’s dramatic ‘Deathscape MMXIV’. Apparently, there’s been a self-titled EP released in the interim, but sorry lads, I missed that one. ‘The… Continue Reading →
We live in troubled times, that’s for sure, and who better to help guide us through the stormy waters, but the troubled mind of Andy Cairns, and the razor-sharp riffs and rhythms of Therapy? Following on from their 2015 melodic… Continue Reading →
There is a train of thought that suggests that Germans are incredibly efficient. Taina clearly missed that meeting, as it’s taken roughly 8 years to release their debut album. Formed in 2010 by vocalist/synth player WoLand and guitarist SerZh the… Continue Reading →
Given the kind of music that my own band plays, I’m surprised that I’ve never checked out Limb before. It seems like I’ve been missing out on something very special, certainly if this third L.P. is anything to go by…. Continue Reading →
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