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Author Spenny

It is now a new decade, and the last time my Ave Noctum bio was updated, it was 2014. So much has changed since then, not least my time ravaged hulk having reached its half century. Vinyl has gone from being a thing of memory to a thing for the trendy and hip (but try going for a walk with that stereo in your pocket!), and tapes have gone from being a best forgotten “fragile”, in every sense of the word, memory, to the most kvlt of the kvlt and grimm offering! What has not changed, however, is my dedication to hard rock and heavy metal. Indeed, my formative years were saturated by the likes of Cream, Deep Purple, Queen, Pink Floyd, Black Sabbath, Genesis, Yes, and their ilk, as well as healthy chunks of Motown on the turntable that was the pre-internet stereophonic centre for entertainment in my mother's 70's single parent household, and my first “concert of choice” (I exclude some I was taken to/performed in against my will) was Motörhead in 1984 in Manchester. However, after living through the heyday of thrash when the “Big Four” were young and hungry, I still revel in the new generations of musicians who rally against the written by committee and autotuned blandness of modern popular music. Every couple of years the popular press features articles about “the death of rock”, whilst lauding the latest autotuned flash in the pan act, and then does a volte face to promote a short lived NME bait guitar act, but the fact is that metal and hard rock lives, and indeed thrives, below the radar of popular consciousness, and I, like my fellow Ave Noctum scribes, revel in that world. So, keep reading, keep supporting the scene you love by buying the music, purchasing merch, and going to the shows, and here's to another decade of excellent music that sticks a stiffly raised middle finger in the direction of popular opinion.

Ogre – Dawn of the Proto-Man and Seven Hells (reissues) – (Minotauro)

There is an old saying that you should never judge a book by its cover (unless said book is the UKIP manifesto in which case feel free to consider it a pile of shite). Equally pertinent is the saying that… Continue Reading →

Trial – Vessel (High Roller)

A Swedish metal band! Whoda thunkit? Surely that scantly populated country only produces pop? Okay, mickey taking aside, any fan of metal with even the most rudimentary knowledge of the genre, and its many sub-genres, is fully aware of the… Continue Reading →

Polanski – Between This And Hate (S/R)

Everybody is guilty of musical snobbery of some form or another no matter how liberal they may claim to be, this humble scribe included. Picture the scene, a metal night club of the early nineties where there was a uniform… Continue Reading →

Northern Crown – In The Hands Of The Betrayer (S/R)

Not too long ago I purchased a CD from a well regarded and signed doom band who shall remain nameless, and when it arrived care of a major online retailer, I honestly thought that I’d been sent some kind of… Continue Reading →

Monster Magnet – Milking the Stars (Napalm)

It was only last October when I posted a glowing review of Monster Magnet’s excellent ‘The Last Patrol’ up on these pages, an album that made it into my top ten of 2013 with ease. Now, along with a solid… Continue Reading →

Apostle of Solitude – Of Woe and Wounds (Cruz Del Sur)

Not too long ago a certain cow tongued wig wearing dinosaur very publicly lambasted the internet and heralded it as the death of rock and roll. I’d like to reply to his contention; fuck off you stack heeled twat! Yes,… Continue Reading →

Crobot – Something Supernatural (Nuclear Blast)

From note one of Crobot’s debut album, ‘Something Supernatural’, there can be little doubt as to what you are going to get, a wall of feedback building into the massively hook laden riffs of ‘Legend of the Spaceborne Killer’. Even… Continue Reading →

Spider Kitten – Behold Mountain. Hail Sea. Venerate Sky. Bow Before Tree (Undergroove)

Apart from having a name that sounds like a Goth girl’s Facebook pseudonym, Spider Kitten are arguably one of the most prolific bands on the UK doom scene.  Don’t believe me?  Go to their bandcamp page (link below) and you’ll… Continue Reading →

Aeonsgate – Pentalpha (Church Within)

The place is Latveria, and on upon his iron throne, the absolute monarch of the country Doctor Victor Von Doom seethes within the armour that is his battle suit and second skin.  “How is it that I am again defeated… Continue Reading →

Occultation – Silence in the Ancestral House (Invictus )

Here’s a little lesson for you in the complex language that is English.  The verb “to occult” has nothing to do with magic, but instead means for a light to go from on to off and back again, the reverse… Continue Reading →

Evil Scarecrow – Galactic Hunt (S/R)

There is sometimes a load of old shite talked about “guilty pleasures”, with dyed in the wool serious musos talking about the “guilty pleasure” of liking music that is anything less than underground and as kvlt as fuck.  Well firstly,… Continue Reading →

Convent Guilt – Guns For Hire (Cruz Del Sur )

Think of Australia, think of rock music, and probably the first, and for some only, band you’ll think of would be veteran stadium fillers AC/DC, or maybe their young clones, sorry, potential successors Airbourne.  To be added to that list… Continue Reading →

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