Your No. 1 Source For Extreme And Atmospheric Music And Film.

Author Spenny

It is now a new decade, and the last time my Ave Noctum bio was updated, it was 2014. So much has changed since then, not least my time ravaged hulk having reached its half century. Vinyl has gone from being a thing of memory to a thing for the trendy and hip (but try going for a walk with that stereo in your pocket!), and tapes have gone from being a best forgotten “fragile”, in every sense of the word, memory, to the most kvlt of the kvlt and grimm offering! What has not changed, however, is my dedication to hard rock and heavy metal. Indeed, my formative years were saturated by the likes of Cream, Deep Purple, Queen, Pink Floyd, Black Sabbath, Genesis, Yes, and their ilk, as well as healthy chunks of Motown on the turntable that was the pre-internet stereophonic centre for entertainment in my mother's 70's single parent household, and my first “concert of choice” (I exclude some I was taken to/performed in against my will) was Motörhead in 1984 in Manchester. However, after living through the heyday of thrash when the “Big Four” were young and hungry, I still revel in the new generations of musicians who rally against the written by committee and autotuned blandness of modern popular music. Every couple of years the popular press features articles about “the death of rock”, whilst lauding the latest autotuned flash in the pan act, and then does a volte face to promote a short lived NME bait guitar act, but the fact is that metal and hard rock lives, and indeed thrives, below the radar of popular consciousness, and I, like my fellow Ave Noctum scribes, revel in that world. So, keep reading, keep supporting the scene you love by buying the music, purchasing merch, and going to the shows, and here's to another decade of excellent music that sticks a stiffly raised middle finger in the direction of popular opinion.

Freedom Hawk – Into Your Mind (Small Stone)

Freedom Hawk is a Virginian 3 piece band clearly with a love of all things retro, psyche, and with a healthy regard of 70’s proto metal. So far, so good; these are all elements that should endear the band to… Continue Reading →

Evoke Thy Lords – Boys! Raise Giant Mushrooms in Your Cellar – Solitude

Sometimes I get pissed off at having to review yet another cookie cutter, cookie monster vocal dominated download, and I seriously consider ditching this reviewing lark; this is definitely not one of those times folks. Evoke Thy Lords are one… Continue Reading →

Fogg – High Testament (Tee Pee Records)

Greetings fellow retronauts, old gits, and voyagers on the good ship olden times. Have you played your old Roy Harper 8 tracks so often that they have finally worn out? Have your Steve Hillage LPs spun so often on the… Continue Reading →

Spiritual Beggars – Another Way To Shine/Mantra III/Ad Astra/On Fire – Music for Nations

Time for a wee history lesson folks; regular readers of Ave Noctum, or even casual viewers of the metal scene, can not have failed to notice that in the last couple of years there has been a bit of a… Continue Reading →

Crossed Fire – Life’s A Gamble (Hellxis Records)

So, it’s June 2015 and a CD from Crossed Fire with a release date in 2014 arrives? That was the first mystery. The second was who is the band, and how do I find out about them, as I know… Continue Reading →

Domovoyd – ST (Svart)

If you’ve not yet caught this act, a quick scan of my music collection shows that Domovoyd have so far let loose upon the world their rather good ‘Mythonaut’ EP, 2012’s ‘Mammoth’, and debut long player ‘Oh Sensibility’, all well… Continue Reading →

Demon Eye – Tempora Infernalia (Soulseller)

Just a couple of days before typing up this review I was riding public transport through the expensive end of the capital’s retail district, the sort of area where high end shops cluster together to display their wares in a… Continue Reading →

Oblivious – Out of Wilderness (Gaphals)

Despite this being their third album, albeit apparently after a line-up overhaul and label change, Oblivious are an act that I’ve been, well, oblivious to. So, is ‘Out of Wilderness’ the album to amend their status on my ever burgeoning… Continue Reading →

Acid King – Middle of Nowhere, Center of Everywhere (Svart)

I think it’s fair to say that there are a few clues as to the style of this record, from the moment you read the title and look at the artwork. Acid King; a bit trippy mabye? ‘Middle of Nowhere,… Continue Reading →

Dopethrone – Hochelaga (Totem Cat Records)

Hochelaga, as a quick online check tells me, is an area near Montreal in Quebec, whilst without needing to trouble Google, I can say with some authority that Dopethrone is not only one of Electric Wizard’s most influential albums, but… Continue Reading →

Wino and Conny Ochs – Freedom Conspiracy (Exile On Mainstream)

Troubadour, noun: a poet who writes verse to music.” So goes one definition in my dictionary. So what has that got to do with anything? Several years ago, just after the release of the exceptional ‘Lillie F65’, I saw an… Continue Reading →

Mammoth Mammoth – Volume IV Hammered Again (Napalm)

Were I to judge a book by its cover, then this release by Mammoth Mammoth would not require the deductive skills of Sherlock Holmes to assist in reaching a deduction. Let me see, the title is ‘Volume IV – Hammered… Continue Reading →

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