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Author Spenny

It is now a new decade, and the last time my Ave Noctum bio was updated, it was 2014. So much has changed since then, not least my time ravaged hulk having reached its half century. Vinyl has gone from being a thing of memory to a thing for the trendy and hip (but try going for a walk with that stereo in your pocket!), and tapes have gone from being a best forgotten “fragile”, in every sense of the word, memory, to the most kvlt of the kvlt and grimm offering! What has not changed, however, is my dedication to hard rock and heavy metal. Indeed, my formative years were saturated by the likes of Cream, Deep Purple, Queen, Pink Floyd, Black Sabbath, Genesis, Yes, and their ilk, as well as healthy chunks of Motown on the turntable that was the pre-internet stereophonic centre for entertainment in my mother's 70's single parent household, and my first “concert of choice” (I exclude some I was taken to/performed in against my will) was Motörhead in 1984 in Manchester. However, after living through the heyday of thrash when the “Big Four” were young and hungry, I still revel in the new generations of musicians who rally against the written by committee and autotuned blandness of modern popular music. Every couple of years the popular press features articles about “the death of rock”, whilst lauding the latest autotuned flash in the pan act, and then does a volte face to promote a short lived NME bait guitar act, but the fact is that metal and hard rock lives, and indeed thrives, below the radar of popular consciousness, and I, like my fellow Ave Noctum scribes, revel in that world. So, keep reading, keep supporting the scene you love by buying the music, purchasing merch, and going to the shows, and here's to another decade of excellent music that sticks a stiffly raised middle finger in the direction of popular opinion.

Mirror – S/T (Metal Blade)

2015 is starting to draw to a close, my window is frosty, and the shops are now bedecked with assorted tacky plastic trees, reindeer, and an army of Santa dolls beckoning to you in the hope of getting you to… Continue Reading →

Hellvoid – Gloomy Wizard (S/R)

I can’t help but have an admiration for bands that try to do something new and follow their heart; no matter the genre, it’s can be a big step into the unknown. To go one step further and self finance… Continue Reading →

Mammoth Storm – Fornjot (Napalm)

Yet again, I am left shaking my head in simple amazement; how the hell does Sweden keep on pumping out so many bands of such ability? As much as I love the UK doom scene, in terms of crushing riffs… Continue Reading →

’77 – Nothing’s Gonna Stop Us (Century Media)

Hands up who when asked where to get a dose of seventies hard rock instantly thinks “Barcelona!” Nobody? Well, me neither folks, but hailing from that beautiful city and founded by the vocal and guitar duo of the Valetta brothers,… Continue Reading →

Deadheads – Loadead (High Roller)

Is there something in the water in Sweden that means it produces more bands per capita than any other nation on Earth? From bouncy electronic bubblegum pop to the most demonic of corpse painted nun botherers, it sometimes feels as… Continue Reading →

Satan’s Satyrs – Don’t Deliver Us (Bad Omen Records)

Over a year has passed since Satan’s Satyrs released ‘Die Screaming’ (see Ave Noctum reviews passim) onto the world care of Bad Omen Records, and 2015 sees this happy relationship between band and label bare fresh fruit in the form… Continue Reading →

Gentlemans Pistols – Hustler’s Row (Nuclear Blast)

Gentlemans Pistols is a band that I’ve been lucky enough to see live a few times, and like each album release, each time was fantastic, and each time also accompanied by a line up change, most famously bringing on board… Continue Reading →

The Hyle – S/T (Dawnbreed Records)

Hailing from Denmark, I did assume The Hyle would be named after some legendary beast of Nordic lore; some dark demon that fought the hordes of Asgard. A few online checks and bemused expressions by me later, and I learned… Continue Reading →

Old Man Lizard – S/T (Heavy Psych Sounds)

Suffolk sludgemeisters Old Man Lizard have returned to the fray with a new self titled album to follow up last years ‘Lone Wolf vs Brown Bear’, this time released via Italian label Heavy Psych Sounds, proof if ever that the… Continue Reading →

The Men That Will Not Be Blamed For Nothing – Not Your Typical Victorians (S/R)

First off, this is the last time I will type out The Men That Will Not Be Blamed For Nothing; from now on they are TMTWNBBFN, an initialism that will save both my fingers from unnecessary work, and my keyboard… Continue Reading →

Alucarda – Raw Howls (The Church Within)

I had just finished reading the excellent recent re-issue of Kim Newman’s ‘Johnny Alucard’ when I received ‘Raw Howls’ by Alucarda; coincidence? Well, yes as it goes. However, without giving away too many plot points to those who may want… Continue Reading →

King Mammoth – Mammoth Mountain (Intoxicated Recordings)

When receiving music to review, such is the modern idiom that physical material is rarer and rarer, high quality downloads being the norm, with the ability to reach reviewers the world over without the fear of loss or damage by… Continue Reading →

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