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Author Slavica Sikora

Listening to music and reading have been my favourite pastime since I was a teenager. I grew up in a small town and there wasn’t much else to do. Why I developed a liking for guitar-heavy music I can’t really say. It just appealed to me. A friend from school made me a mix tape with bands like Judas Priest and Iron Maiden. There was no record store in my hometown, but there was a small shop that sold all kinds of electrical appliances that would order records for you if you asked them to. The first album I ever purchased was by Guns ‘n Roses. From there, my musical taste moved forward to hardcore and punk bands, mostly because I had skater friends, and also because with time I understood more and more English and developed a taste for good lyrics. By good I mean critical of main-stream culture and society. In my life, music matters. The written word matters. Poetry matters. Philosophy matters. Like Mr. Rollins, I medicate with music (and literature, and philosophy). The best thing for me is when great music and great lyrics combine. An example? Shellac, Copper. Copper, you’ll never be gold. Or: Mediocrity, you’ll never pass for the real thing. Another one: Cop Shoot Cop, It only hurts when I breath. Boy, do I love the irony in that one. I enjoy figuring out what a work of art is about, or what went through someone’s head when they wrote something. It feels good, when I know I understood, it feels even better when I can relate to what is being expressed. That’s why I write reviews.

1476 – In Exile (Prophecy Productions)

Delving into the themes and concepts standing behind albums and bands instead of just focusing on the music has an advantage when writing a review. Since no two world views are alike, there is always something unique to be found… Continue Reading →

Trépas – Les Ombres Malades (Sepulchral Productions)

No, this is not Battersea Power Station burning away coal, polluting its surroundings, contributing to global warming and climate change, but apparently a Quebecoise equivalent. Although I don’t know the specific location depicted on the cover of the album at… Continue Reading →

Johnny The Boy – You (Season Of Mist)

Who doesn’t love a good surprise? I know I do. You, the debut album by new entity Johnny The Boy certainly provides one. Two central figures of Crippled Black Phoenix, Justin Greaves and Belinda Kordic, joined by Matthew Crawford on… Continue Reading →

Girls Under Glass – Backdraft (Dependent Records)

Long-standing German goth rock/post-punk/ebm project Girls Under Glass are back with new material. After a hiatus of 17 years, the band have released Backdraft, a new full length, building on their sound from the 80s and 90s, but also including… Continue Reading →

Trevor’s Head – A View From Below (APF Records)

This is my first encounter with the genre-fusing trio Trevor’s Head and we were off to a bad start. Initially, listening to their new album A View From Below, I kept wishing they would stick to punk and stop taking… Continue Reading →

These Beasts – Cares, Wills, Wants (Magnetic Eye)

I’m a bit late reviewing this which means that I naturally went and read what the usual suspects have already written about the release at hand before writing my own review. None of my fellow scribes mention what I thought… Continue Reading →

Grave Pleasures – Plagueboys (Century Media)

Who can remember all the projects, side projects, musical genres and bands that Mat McNerney has been and is involved with? Not me. A bit of research was necessary to freshen up the memory. And there is quite a lot… Continue Reading →

Blood Moon Wedding – Blood Moon Wedding: An American Nightmare (Mobilization Recordings)

The American Dream. The holy grail of capitalism. Achieving prosperity and success through hard work, determination and initiative. Upward social mobility, available to anyone should they only want it hard enough (“It’s up to you!”). A price eagerly pursued by… Continue Reading →

Aara : Triade III: Nyx (Debemur Morti)

It’s less than a year since their last album, but black metal outfit Aara from Switzerland are already back with a new one. Triade III: Nyx is the band’s long player number five in total and the last part of… Continue Reading →

Downfall of Gaia – Silhouettes of Disgust (Metal Blade)

Last time I checked, the collapse of Mother Earth was still in progress. The German crust punk/post-black metal band Downfall of Gaia, named after that very same process, can therefore claim undiminished relevance despite being active for 15 years. Silhouettes… Continue Reading →

Yaaroth – The Man in The Wood (I, Voidhanger)

What do we have here? Music to go with the newest craze that is The Last of Us? The cover depicting a person turned fungi? The band name the moniker of the creature? Nope, wrong. But still connected. In what… Continue Reading →

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