Your No. 1 Source For Extreme And Atmospheric Music And Film.

Author Slavica Sikora

Listening to music and reading have been my favourite pastime since I was a teenager. I grew up in a small town and there wasn’t much else to do. Why I developed a liking for guitar-heavy music I can’t really say. It just appealed to me. A friend from school made me a mix tape with bands like Judas Priest and Iron Maiden. There was no record store in my hometown, but there was a small shop that sold all kinds of electrical appliances that would order records for you if you asked them to. The first album I ever purchased was by Guns ‘n Roses. From there, my musical taste moved forward to hardcore and punk bands, mostly because I had skater friends, and also because with time I understood more and more English and developed a taste for good lyrics. By good I mean critical of main-stream culture and society. In my life, music matters. The written word matters. Poetry matters. Philosophy matters. Like Mr. Rollins, I medicate with music (and literature, and philosophy). The best thing for me is when great music and great lyrics combine. An example? Shellac, Copper. Copper, you’ll never be gold. Or: Mediocrity, you’ll never pass for the real thing. Another one: Cop Shoot Cop, It only hurts when I breath. Boy, do I love the irony in that one. I enjoy figuring out what a work of art is about, or what went through someone’s head when they wrote something. It feels good, when I know I understood, it feels even better when I can relate to what is being expressed. That’s why I write reviews.

Batushka & Kanonenfieber – Croatia, Zagreb, Mochvara (swamp) 22/11/2023

Although it was a Wednesday night, quite a few people, I realized, had come out to see a three-band package headed by Krzysztof Drabikowski’s Batushka. When I arrived, the first band had already finished and there was a short break… Continue Reading →

Laang – Riluo (Talheim Records)

It’s not every day that we get a metal band from Taiwan for review. Laang (a Chinese word, meaning “cold” in English) have made it unto our review list via their Austrian label Talheim Records, and I volunteered to review… Continue Reading →

Howling Giant – Glass Future (Magnetic Eye)

I’m not the resident stoner rock/metal expert here at Ave Noctum (we have two gentlemen who could compete for that title), but every now and then, for the sake of change, I do like to listen to meaty guitar riffs… Continue Reading →

Nebelkrähe – Ephemer (Crawling Chaos)

At the dawn of a new age of war Germans Nebelkrähe have released a new album focusing on the ephemeral character of life and the fact that nothing lasts forever and everything can be over in the blink of an… Continue Reading →

Iskandr – Spiritus Sylvestris (Eisenwald)

Last year’s beautifully acoustic one-track EP Glass was already an indicator that Dutch black metal outfit Iskandr had embarked upon a different path. It was not an untrodden one and neither was it completely dissimilar to the previous trail. The… Continue Reading →

Maggot Heart – Hunger (Svart Records)

The punishment for being late writing a review is that the task, all by itself, will be harder to do, because everything that can be said, has already been said by others. And unless you can come up with something… Continue Reading →

Hexvessel – Polar Veil (Svart Records)

My English professor at university was very fond of well-written opening lines. For him, the beginning of a story, book or drama had to contain the crux of the piece, introduce the main character(s) or hint at the plot in… Continue Reading →

Silence in the Snow – Ghost Eyes (Prophecy Productions)

It’s been a while since my part of the world saw any considerable amount of snow. About 10 years, I think. And if I remember correctly, it’s more than 20 years that my street was snowed in overnight and that… Continue Reading →

Shade Empire – Sunholy (Candlelight)

Sunholy is the sixth full-length album from Finns Shade Empire who started out as far back as 1999. A band with a respectable discography and with the band members all long-term soldiers. Singer Henry Hämäläinen, the number of umlauts in… Continue Reading →

Spirit Adrift – Ghost at the Gallows (Century Media)

“SPIRIT ADRIFT’s gimmick is simple: there is no gimmick,” says the band’s mastermind, Nate Garrett. “Just great songs, great heavy riffs, catchy parts that make you want to bang your head and uplifting parts that make you want to fly… Continue Reading →

Tangled Thoughts of Leaving – Oscillating Forest (Bird’s Robe)

Oscillating Forest is the third of altogether four full-length albums by Australians Tangled Thoughts of Leaving that I have reviewed. Having also seen them live once, one could say that I’m well familiar with the band and their output. Their… Continue Reading →

Countess Erzsebet – S/T (S/R)

For decades, the Guinness World Records have listed countess Erzsebet Bathory, a Hungarian noblewoman who lived in the sixteenth century, as the world’s most prolific female murderer, attributing the death of more than 600 young women to her, despite the… Continue Reading →

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