Your No. 1 Source For Extreme And Atmospheric Music And Film.

Author Slavica Sikora

Listening to music and reading have been my favourite pastime since I was a teenager. I grew up in a small town and there wasn’t much else to do. Why I developed a liking for guitar-heavy music I can’t really say. It just appealed to me. A friend from school made me a mix tape with bands like Judas Priest and Iron Maiden. There was no record store in my hometown, but there was a small shop that sold all kinds of electrical appliances that would order records for you if you asked them to. The first album I ever purchased was by Guns ‘n Roses. From there, my musical taste moved forward to hardcore and punk bands, mostly because I had skater friends, and also because with time I understood more and more English and developed a taste for good lyrics. By good I mean critical of main-stream culture and society. In my life, music matters. The written word matters. Poetry matters. Philosophy matters. Like Mr. Rollins, I medicate with music (and literature, and philosophy). The best thing for me is when great music and great lyrics combine. An example? Shellac, Copper. Copper, you’ll never be gold. Or: Mediocrity, you’ll never pass for the real thing. Another one: Cop Shoot Cop, It only hurts when I breath. Boy, do I love the irony in that one. I enjoy figuring out what a work of art is about, or what went through someone’s head when they wrote something. It feels good, when I know I understood, it feels even better when I can relate to what is being expressed. That’s why I write reviews.

The Sword – Used Future (Razor & Tie)

The Sword from Austin, Texas, have been active since 2003. So far, they have produced five studio albums and supported bands like Metallica and Lamb of God on tour. When they started out they played doom metal. However, their sound… Continue Reading →

Long Distance Calling – Vienna, B72, 9/3/2018

One of the most impressive things here is public transport. It is incredibly well organized, it will virtually get you everywhere and it isn’t expensive. You can buy a ticket for 24, 48, or 72 hours and ride anywhere and… Continue Reading →

Hemelbestormer – A Ring of Blue Light (Ván)

Hemelbestormer are four gentlemen from Belgium with a musical background in hardcore, doom and black metal. Their new album, A Ring of Blue Light, features instrumental post-rock with ambient, experimental and doom elements. All tracks have been named after astronomical… Continue Reading →

Crippled Black Phoenix – Horrific Honorifics (Season Of Mist)

I think I should begin by telling you that I like Crippled Black Phoenix’ cover EP Horrific Honorifics immensely. It is great. One could write a novel about it. In fact, it might be a novel, or a biography, in… Continue Reading →

The Osiris Club – The Wine-Dark Sea (Indie)

It’s easy to write about an album that’s really good. It’s also easy to write about an album that’s really bad. It’s not so easy to write about an album that’s somewhere in the middle. The Wine-Dark Sea by London’s… Continue Reading →

Charming Timur – So Far, So Good (S/R)

When I was about 21 or 22 years old, I was good friends with two guys of about the same age whose idea of a good time was to go to a video store and rent the stupidest video they… Continue Reading →

Insect Ark – Marrow Hymns (Profound Lore Records)

The cover of Insect Ark’s new album Marrow Hymns features a phoenix, the mythical bird that is cyclically reborn. It is not a victorious image, not one that usually comes to mind when the phrase “to rise from the ashes… Continue Reading →

Seven That Spells – OMEGA (Sulatron Records)

Have you ever wondered what the surface of a space object might look like? Well, take a look at the video to the track Future Lords by Seven That Spells and you might get a pretty good idea. There are… Continue Reading →

Long Distance Calling – Boundless (InsideOut)

The main subject in the paintings of 19th century German painter Casper David Friedrich is nature. If the paintings feature people, they are portrayed with their backs towards the viewer. The people appear to be contemplating nature, its vastness, its… Continue Reading →

In the Fade – Fatih Akin (Magnolia Pictures)

AKA  Real Life Horror  Original title:  Aus dem Nichts  (out of nowhere) There is a Stoic practise connected to the Latin phrase memento mori (remember death). It’s not a practise for the faint-hearted. The practitioner is asked to remind him-… Continue Reading →

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