Your No. 1 Source For Extreme And Atmospheric Music And Film.

Author Slavica Sikora

Listening to music and reading have been my favourite pastime since I was a teenager. I grew up in a small town and there wasn’t much else to do. Why I developed a liking for guitar-heavy music I can’t really say. It just appealed to me. A friend from school made me a mix tape with bands like Judas Priest and Iron Maiden. There was no record store in my hometown, but there was a small shop that sold all kinds of electrical appliances that would order records for you if you asked them to. The first album I ever purchased was by Guns ‘n Roses. From there, my musical taste moved forward to hardcore and punk bands, mostly because I had skater friends, and also because with time I understood more and more English and developed a taste for good lyrics. By good I mean critical of main-stream culture and society. In my life, music matters. The written word matters. Poetry matters. Philosophy matters. Like Mr. Rollins, I medicate with music (and literature, and philosophy). The best thing for me is when great music and great lyrics combine. An example? Shellac, Copper. Copper, you’ll never be gold. Or: Mediocrity, you’ll never pass for the real thing. Another one: Cop Shoot Cop, It only hurts when I breath. Boy, do I love the irony in that one. I enjoy figuring out what a work of art is about, or what went through someone’s head when they wrote something. It feels good, when I know I understood, it feels even better when I can relate to what is being expressed. That’s why I write reviews.

Missiles – Weaponize Tomorrow (Svart)

Missiles from Malmö, Sweden, want to Weaponize Tomorrow, and rightly so, because without weapons Tomorrow might not survive. The future, if we are to have one, certainly needs help defending itself. However, there is one small problem. How can it… Continue Reading →

Brume – Marten (Magnetic Eye)

Brume (pronounced broom, like witches’ favourite means of transport) are a doom metal/rock quartet from San Francisco, California. In their music, they blend doom, goth, indie rock and a dash of psychedelia. This is my first encounter with them, but… Continue Reading →

The Wraith – Ghost March (Seeing Red Records)

The Wraith’s debut Gloom Ballet (Southern Lord) was one the surprises of 2019 and a favourite with many a listener and reviewer who happened upon it. But the album had the bad luck of being released at the beginning of… Continue Reading →

Livgone – Almost There (Svart)

Almost There may be a debut album and Livgone a new band, but the people behind this project are anything but newbies, and that shows in numerous aspects of this LP, which turned out to be a pleasant surprise. Drawn… Continue Reading →

Brother Dege – Aurora (Prophecy Productions)

A sentence from the original announcement for Brother Dege’s new album Aurora by his label Prophecy Productions I felt hit the bullseye, because it promised the very thing that a lot of people seek, myself included, from the music they… Continue Reading →

Tvinna – Two – Wings of Ember (By Norse)

Well, this is a difficult one. Maybe I’m having trouble rating the album because it’s neither metal nor dark nor extreme and thus different from the majority of the stuff we review. Or maybe the difficulties that I’m having stem… Continue Reading →

Gvllow – Twin Flames (Sumerian Records)

What do we have here? A place, dimly lit, with plastic flowers, vacant, spiritual pictures on its walls, odd-coloured carpets and even odder personnel. An old-fashioned American funeral parlour. How did we get here? Well, the intro of the album… Continue Reading →

Ignis Absconditus – Golden Horses Of A Dying Future (My Kingdom Music)

Ignis Absconditus (Latin for “hidden fire”), as I have learned from the usual online sources, materialized out of sulphuric air in 2018 in Brescia in the north of Italy. The project was initiated by Noctuaria and Henry Der Wanderer, two… Continue Reading →

Bright & Black – The Album (S/R)

I like to play music loud, especially music that I have to review. Why? Because the release’s character will reveal itself much faster this way. If the album is good, it will sound even better played at high volume, if… Continue Reading →

Inver – On This Earth (S/R)

On This Earth is the rather short but appealing and concise debut album of Inver, a goth metal/rock three piece from Cheltenham. The band members come from diverse musical backgrounds – extreme metal, alternative acoustic, and traditional folk –, but… Continue Reading →

Satanic Witch – 4:44 (Ván Records)

While the year is coming to its end and everybody is reading or writing best-of-the-year lists and catching up on what they might have missed, some bands are making their first public steps. Bad timing, some might say, from a… Continue Reading →

SOL – Promethean Sessions (I, Voidhanger)

If you are searching for obscure music, music that explores sounds off the beaten metal paths, I, Voidhanger Records from Italy is a good place to start looking. Among the many releases and the wide spectrum of genres you are… Continue Reading →

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