Having had the pleasure of bathing in KEN mode’s particular oily ooze whilst reviewing their last full-length album (2022s ‘Null’) it proved almost impossible to fully grasp what the band were attempting. Re reading the slightly hysterical and hyperbolic praise… Continue Reading →
Cards on the table, I have been immensely fortunate to have been gifted the opportunity this summer to have six weeks paid holiday and whilst not wanting this first paragraph to come across as a gloating puss filled, humblebrag conceitful… Continue Reading →
Sometimes, just sometimes, I can reflect on review for bands that I have been privileged enough to write for Ave Noctum and allow myself to luxuriate and say, ‘I told you so’. And so, it has come to pass, that… Continue Reading →
Whilst attempting to tame technology to do my bidding and failing quite miserably, I finally manage to take a tour on the dusty backroads of the internet where you usually find all the good things. Not the rain slicked, hyper… Continue Reading →
It seems like a lifetime ago that I sat down to listen to Suicide Silence, and it happened to be at the behest of this esteemed closet of pain and boils that manifests itself as Ave Noctum, to sit in… Continue Reading →
Even the name of 71Tonman’s hometown of Wrolclaw, Poland, seems like an apt, ne prescient slice of nominative determinism, being as the band’s raison d’etre is an ominous, slow and brutally dense wedge of sludge metal. Comprising just four tracks,… Continue Reading →
I’ve always hated the term supergroup, it sends icy tendrils into my bowels turning me into a chocolate poo machine, causing my intestines to spasm and rendering my jeans into a waterslide of excrement. I mean of course it doesn’t,… Continue Reading →
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