Your No. 1 Source For Extreme And Atmospheric Music And Film.

Author Martin Harris

Rock and metal have been in my existence for about 30 years and saw me go through a rapid weaning period that covered AC/DC, Maiden, Saxon, Whitesnake, Motorhead, etc from about 1982 to 1984 before shifting to thrash in the summer of 1984. At that point my only mission was to find the fastest, most violent music on the planet resulting checking out every genre in extreme music from death metal and grindcore to crust punk and hardcore all of which I still adore today and buy albums from and go see live. During the 80s I grew up in the infamous Bradford thrash scene, a time I still dearly miss such was the inventiveness and great camaraderie it held. I’m a bit of phase metaller, going from one style to another, through sheer investigation of finding something new, but always sticking with them all. I’m a total sucker for double bass and blast beats and always will be no matter what genre it comes from. I absolutely detest people that have joined the metal scene because it is trendy or their mates like it, likewise I detest people who are shallow and think this music is a fad of growing up. Most of us are extremely well educated and articulate individuals who prefer freedom of self expression than indoctrination by mass media organisations hell bent on artistic sterilisation. Much of my cash is spent on following metal and I wouldn’t change a thing about it because it is the best music scene in the world.

Baphomet’s Blood – In Satan We Trust (Iron Bonehead)

I love the Iron Bonehead roster much like Hells Headbangers as well, their roster of bands are some of the most vicious and vile on the planet, plus when you order from them they are efficient and understand the importance… Continue Reading →

The Black Dahlia Murder, Benighted, Ingested Manchester, Sound Control 21/1/16

The conscious decision to catch this tour in Manchester rather than Leeds was partly down to the inclusion of Ingested on the bill but also because I don’t particularly like the venue that this was to play in Leeds. A… Continue Reading →

Rhapsody Of Fire – Into The Legend (AFM)

I was aware of this latest effort from Rhapsody Of Fire well before it came up for review and pre-ordered the geeky dragon statue version of the release plus a coloured vinyl to placate my vinyl addiction some time ago…. Continue Reading →

The Black Heart Rebellion – People When You See The Smoke, Do Not Think It Is Fields They’re Burning (9000 Records)

As my last review of 2015 this Belgian act has been around for a while and since their original hardcore/punk roots the band has evolved from those genres into something far more complex with this challenging and epically involved release…. Continue Reading →

Kvltist – Catechesis (World Terror Committee)

As the end of 2015 looms so do the end of year lists as I tend to wait until the last minute before producing said lists on the off chance that something truly amazing comes my way and blows my… Continue Reading →

Saligia – Fønix (Ván)

If you didn’t know Saligia is a mnemonic for the seven deadly sins in Latin which are superbia, avaritia, luxuria, invidia, gula, ira and acedia as the Norwegian duo of Ahzari (vocals, guitar and bass) and V (drums) deliver five… Continue Reading →

Belphegor, Vital Remains, Hate, Ethereal, Sathamel – Sheffield Corporation 7/11/15

On paper this line up was a feast of extremity from various quarters of the globe as I arrived in Sheffield pondering our mental weather as the temperature was more spring like than wintry. Early door times seem to plague… Continue Reading →

Azaghal and Oath – Split (Immortal Frost Productions)

In days gone by when the black metal scenes were more or less at war with each other I always felt that in that battle of sonic diablerie the Finnish bands would come out on top due to their uncompromising… Continue Reading →

Slayer, Anthrax, Kvelertak – Leeds Academy 28/11/15

Possibly the most hotly anticipated thrash bill of the year with half of the big four playing on one bill this was a night of thrash remembrance for some and an initiation ceremony for the new fans, and some completed… Continue Reading →

Abysmal Lord – Disciples Of The Inferno (Hells Headbangers)

Back in the day, as in the 1980s, when extreme metal was placing its boots firmly into the metal scene bands like Abysmal Lord would have been snapped up by yours truly as something violent and oozing a blackened septic… Continue Reading →

Sound Of Memories – To Deliverance (Finisterian Dead End)

A debut full length from this French melodic death metal band is one that I will look back on and think yes that was a good album but completely forgot about it due to the amount of music I hear… Continue Reading →

Vastum – Hole Below (20 Buck Spin Records)

This US act has a couple of releases already out but has not hit my death metal radar until now and thankful I am too. With the various sub-genres in death metal offering an assortment of styles according to ones… Continue Reading →

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