Your No. 1 Source For Extreme And Atmospheric Music And Film.

Author Martin Harris

Rock and metal have been in my existence for about 30 years and saw me go through a rapid weaning period that covered AC/DC, Maiden, Saxon, Whitesnake, Motorhead, etc from about 1982 to 1984 before shifting to thrash in the summer of 1984. At that point my only mission was to find the fastest, most violent music on the planet resulting checking out every genre in extreme music from death metal and grindcore to crust punk and hardcore all of which I still adore today and buy albums from and go see live. During the 80s I grew up in the infamous Bradford thrash scene, a time I still dearly miss such was the inventiveness and great camaraderie it held. I’m a bit of phase metaller, going from one style to another, through sheer investigation of finding something new, but always sticking with them all. I’m a total sucker for double bass and blast beats and always will be no matter what genre it comes from. I absolutely detest people that have joined the metal scene because it is trendy or their mates like it, likewise I detest people who are shallow and think this music is a fad of growing up. Most of us are extremely well educated and articulate individuals who prefer freedom of self expression than indoctrination by mass media organisations hell bent on artistic sterilisation. Much of my cash is spent on following metal and I wouldn’t change a thing about it because it is the best music scene in the world.

Firtan – Ethos (AOP Records)

If this German black metal band had been around at the start of the scene in the early 90s we’d be revering them as true pioneers of a genre they have made their own throughout their discography. Each of the… Continue Reading →

Wolfheart – Draconian Darkness (Reigning Phoenix Music)

There are quite a few bands with this moniker but this version seems to be the most prolific and well known. With six full lengths already released the band has become a beacon in the melodic death metal scene during… Continue Reading →

Tusenårseken – Omhuldra (Grind To Death Records)

Apparently Tusenårseken means The Thousand Year Oak as this Swedish project helmed by the unbelievably talented Andreas Karlsson, who also has two other acts he runs called Februus and Well Of Depression. This is his third album under this moniker… Continue Reading →

Other World – Tenebrous (Debemur Morti)

Those of you who follow the underground black metal scene, if you can call it that these days with practically everything being available at your fingertips, will probably know this US black metal act because the band members have played… Continue Reading →

Morgue – Close To Complete Darkness (Godz Ov War)

As you can probably imagine there are dozens of bands with the band name Morgue spanning the entire globe but this version is from France is possibly one of the more well known since they have released four albums previous… Continue Reading →

Laceration – I Erode (20 Buck Spin)

Laceration is a very popular band name, especially in the USA, seeing as there are eight just from the US that have or have had this moniker. This version is from California and deals out some hefty death metal that… Continue Reading →

Ulvehunger – Retaliation (Darkness Shall Rise Productions)

This Norwegian band is likely to get a lot of attention because of the band members within it. With such luminaries as Frost (Satyricon) and Anders Odden (Cadaver) the pedigree of the band is in no doubt. Ulvehunger blends the… Continue Reading →

Totengott – Beyond The Veil (Hammerheart Records)

There’s a couple of metal bands with this moniker but this version is from Spain and delves into the cataclysmic doom-death subgenre for a third album packed with ideas. I’ve seen various sources purporting that the band blends quite a… Continue Reading →

Seth – La France Des Maudits (Season Of Mist)

I was blown away by this French bands last album, ‘La Morsure Du Christ’, so much so that I instantly bought it at the time. This latest and seventh album is likely to be on my purchase list too as… Continue Reading →

Sijjeel – Affiliation Of Horrid Containment (Comatose Music)

My attention to this band originally materialised because the main guy, Hussain Akbar, is from Saudi Arabia, a place not really known for its extreme metal bands. Granted he is ably assisted by a couple of guys from Germany and… Continue Reading →

Vimur – The Timeless Everpresent (Avantgarde Music)

Vimur has been on my radar for quite some time though I must admit I’ve not really given them the attention they probably deserve, but this will now change after listening to their fourth magnificent slab of melodic black metal…. Continue Reading →

Malconfort – Humanism (Transcending Obscurity)

Those of you into the more eclectic side of black metal have probably already realised that this UK band has taken their name from a Deathspell Omega tune that was on their ‘Paracletus’ album in 2010. That outfit is certainly… Continue Reading →

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