LADLO, or Les Acteurs De L’Ombres Productions to use its proper name, are a label I’ve had a great deal of time and respect for since receiving their debut release; Pensees Nocturnes ‘Vacuum’ back in 2008. Having introduced me to… Continue Reading →
The second album from thisLondonact is the first one since signing to Candlelight. Having never heard of Cold In Berlin until this came in, I have to say from looking at their website they strike as being a similar “hipster-friendly”… Continue Reading →
Thrash metal. This style can mostly be split into Good thrash metal and bad thrash metal…with a few variations in between. I mean, when you get an album like this in the post you know not to expect anything groundbreaking,… Continue Reading →
In case the name doesn’t give it away, ShEver are in fact an all female ensemble, although this does take a while to click from listening. What this is NOT is one of those irksome, cheesy and overly polite, plastic… Continue Reading →
For this second offering in my series on snuff-themed cinema I want to begin by discussing one of my bug-bears in genre film journalism. Torture Porn. Nope, it’s not the films themselves I have an issue with, in fact… Continue Reading →
This maybe a band name that initially makes you think WTF, but then it’s the music that really matters. Perhaps you’ll recall a couple of years back, Kvohst (Code, DHG, Hexvessel) set up a new project with some other musicians,… Continue Reading →
I reviewed The Bunny Game on this site, which is about to be released to the US market via Autonomy Pictures. Meanwhile here in the UK it looks unlikely to secure an official release given it is the latest film… Continue Reading →
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