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Author Lee Kimber

Agrimonia – Rites of Separation (Southern Lord)

What is in a label? A genre label I mean, not a record label. I’ve heard so many arguments recently about the need to put a band’s music in a very clearly defined pigeon hole so that everyone can feel… Continue Reading →

Svart Crown – Profane (Listenable Records)

My love of modern French metal is well documented, and whilst I had heard of Svart Crown in the past I had never actually heard them until the powers that be presented me with their latest offering ‘Profane’. The French… Continue Reading →

Amorphis – Circle (Nuclear Blast)

A number of conversations regarding Amorphis over the past couple of years have brought up the same quite unusual fact, being that there are still people out there who miss the vocals of Pasi Koskinen. I don’t think many people… Continue Reading →

Pombagira – Maleficia Lamiah (Black Axis)

Pombagira are not a band for those with any form of attention deficit disorder as fans of theirs will surely attest. Always creative and always entertaining, it could still sometimes be a bit of a slog getting through a full… Continue Reading →

Saint Vitus, Mos Generator & Witchsorrow – London Garage – 17/03/13

Saint Patrick’s Day, one of the biggest party days of the year in London as all the Irish and those who need to find an excuse to have a drink ventured out to packed pubs, but it was a different… Continue Reading →

Ocean Chief– Sten (I Hate)

Occasionally in life it’s fun to set oneself challenges and goals. A month without drinking. A target weight. An extra mile on the morning run. Well, why should music be any different? I had heard of Ocean Chief previously, but… Continue Reading →

Tombstone Highway – Ruralizer (Agonia Records)

Emerging from the muddy shores of the Po River in Piacenza, Italy, Tombstone Highway are here to prove that the dirty southern stoner sound is no longer solely dominated by whiskey swilling Americans. Tombstone Highway is a project of Herr… Continue Reading →

Nude – Plastic Planet (My Kingdom)

Back in the day I went through a bit of a grumpy goth phase, with weekends spent at Slimelight and evening classes in pretentiousness and fawning about a bit. Here at Ave Noctum towers where we deal in the more… Continue Reading →

Combichrist – No Redemption (Devil May Cry Soundtrack) (Out Of Line)

The gaming industry is every bit as important as the movie industry when it comes to soundtracks, if not more so these days, so the benefits from having your music attached to a popular game series these days are immense…. Continue Reading →

Aut Mori – Первая Cлеза Oсени (Bad Mood Man Music)

The beauty and the beast style of gothic doom is not an easy sound to master. Popularised by the likes of Draconian and Theatre of Tragedy (until that dingbat decided he wanted to be a robot), the key is the… Continue Reading →

New Keepers Of The Water Towers – The Cosmic Child (Listenable)

Having changed their name from the cumbersome ‘New Keepers’ to the far more palatable and memorable ‘New Keepers Of The Water Towers’ back in 2009, NKOTWT have been slowly but surely carving themselves a reputation in stoner/doom circles. The Swedes… Continue Reading →

Repulsive Aggression – Conflagration (Schwarzdorn Production)

Comprised of ex members of misanthropic black metallers Svarttjern, death metallers Bloodspawn and power metallers Frail Grounds, the mixing pot here is a strange one, but the result of this conglomeration of styles sticks resolutely within the realm of death… Continue Reading →

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